[poppler] glib bindings: add PopplerAnnotFileAttachment, extend test-poppler-glib, and make PopplerAttachment.size signed

Thomas Viehmann tv at beamnet.de
Sat Jan 17 10:34:19 PST 2009


attached are three patches
- poppler.add-support-for-file-attachment-annotations.patch
  As mentioned on IRC know, I'm wondering whether it'd be better to
  avoid creating an own GType for each annotation type, in particular
  if there is nothing to know beyond the type for users.
  For now this patch follows the AnootText example and has its own type.
  An alternative could be to just check the type field and make the
  interface take PopplerAnnot.
- poppler.extend-test-poppler-glib-to-show-more-page-annotatio.patch
  Makes test-poppler-glib print information about PopplerAnnotation and
  PopplerAction items associated with a page.
  This currently depends on the aforementioned patch, but if adopting
  that is difficult, I could also separate it out.
- poppler.signedness-of-PopplerAttachment.size.patch
  While running test-poppler-glib, I noticed that EmbFile will use size
  -1 to indicate that no size has been specified. This could be captured
  better by making PopplerAttachment.size gssize instead of gsize.

Kind regards

Thomas Viehmann, http://thomas.viehmann.net/
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/poppler/attachments/20090117/8c996828/attachment-0003.bin 

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