[poppler] (no subject)

toto titi romain.vigobenia at hotmail.fr
Tue May 12 02:44:44 PDT 2009


> From: pino at kde.org
> To: poppler at lists.freedesktop.org
> Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 10:53:37 +0200
> Subject: Re: [poppler] (no subject)
> Hi,
> > I haven't found any code example on the web about the annotations classes.
> > The okular source code would be a great example unfortunatly I can't
> > download it easily because I'm working on Windows.
> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/okular
> go in the generators/poppler dubdirectory for the poppler backend.


Thanks a lot for those examples.
> > The thing is I create the annotations well (I think) but after that I don't
> > success to store it in a xml file because the store fonction need a
> > QDocument and a QNode and it's not very clear in my head.
> You most don't need to look at the functions to retrieve/store annotations 
> from/to XML.
> What is your exact use case, ie what are you trying to do?

I'm currently in work placement and I have to do a standalone marking tool. So I need to allow the user to create inking, text and highlight annotation at least.

A little bit as okular project do (I didn't test it I'm just bqsing on the screenshots)
> > Moreover, when I have created the annotation I don't know how to do to view
> > it.
> Current poppler support for annotations is read-only, ie you can only get the 
> annotations of a document's page, but you cannot change them, nor add new 
> ones.
> The current *Annotation classes are not wrapper to internal objects, but 
> just "data objects". Changing the values on instance of those objects will do 
> nothing on the document they belong to.

Do you mean that is impossible to create new annotation with poppler ?

Maybe the example you give me will help me, I'll take a look during the day.


> -- 
> Pino Toscano

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