[poppler] Poppler in GPL version 3?

Johnny Mariéthoz Johnny.Mariethoz at rero.ch
Tue Feb 16 01:31:35 PST 2010

Dear all,

we are actually developing a new web based viewer for bibliographic documents. This
viewer will support pdf documents and we have plan to use poppler for that purpose. The 
web application will be in two parts: the client part in javascript and the server part in python.
Poppler will be used by the server part.

We want to release our code in AGPL version 3:
This license is similar than the GPL version 3 except that it force to open the sources for a web
based service.

Unfortunately, AGPL license can not be used with the GPL version 2, but is compatible with
the GPL version 3.

Do you have plan to release poppler under the GPL version 3?

Many thanks in advance for your answers and for your work on this nice project.

Best regards,

Johnny Mariéthoz
RERO, Av. de la Gare 45, CH - 1920 MARTIGNY
Téléphone:  +41(0)27 721 8579
Fax              : +41(0)27 721 8586
Web            : http://www.rero.ch
ReroDoc    : http://doc.rero.ch, doc.support at rero.ch

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