[poppler] Patches for SplashBitmap/PNGWriter

Stefan Thomas thomas at txtbear.com
Fri Jul 9 17:18:35 PDT 2010


I've got two new patches for the cause.

The first one adds transparent PNG support to PNGWriter and 
SplashBitmap. The uses for this are varied and many, so I think it makes 
sense to add this to the mainline, even though I don't have the pdftoppm 
patch to go along with it. (We're using it in a custom SplashOutputDev.)

The second one fixes a nasty bug in SplashBitmap that causes "pdftoppm 
-jpeg" to randomly produce corrupt images. Currently SplashBitmap frees 
its temporary buffers and later calls ImgWriter::close(). Problem is 
libjpeg still uses these temporary buffers during 
jpeg_finish_compress(). So if they've been reclaimed - bad things 
happen. Usually libjpeg aborts and produces an image with the bottom 
fifty or so rows missing. The patch also fixes the SplashBitmap throwing 
a splashErrGeneric despite success, which was due to a missing question 
mark before writer->close().

Hope you find it useful.


Stefan Thomas
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