[poppler] Bump Cairo dependency to 1.10

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Fri Sep 17 11:18:00 PDT 2010

A Divendres, 17 de setembre de 2010, Carlos Garcia Campos va escriure:
> Hi,
> I would like to bump the required cairo version to 1.10, but it seems
> it's still not available in most distributions. I would like that, at
> least poppler 0.16, scheduled for December, will depend in cairo
> 1.10. There are some API changes and additions in the glib frontend that
> require Cairo 1.10 too, so we should update requirements before
> feature freeze. What do you think?

Well, as far as you have said it is:
 * Much faster
 * Much better

So i'm all for it.

The problem is that my distro does not have it so i won't be able to run reg 
tests against it in case we need it. OTOH if we really need to run a regtest i 
always can try compiling it from the tarball.


> Regards,

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