No subject

Sun Feb 13 16:13:44 PST 2011

Below approximately 80% the text also becomes better readable.

The font in this document is embedded. You can find the document here:

Because it is embedded, changing Xft configuration does, provenly, have
no effect on the rendering.

I failed to find any solution. This has been tested by multiple people
with multiple poppler-based pdf viewers. There is no clear pattern to
under which circumstances (meaning configuration - though all people
allegedly used the default configuration) and with which exact readers
this happens.

It has reportedly been working fine with ZATHURA and OKULAR. I do have
the problem with ZATHURA and EPDFVIEW (could not try any other reader
personally, yet).

Any hints to how to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
If you require further information or I've forgotten to provide
important info, please reply either to the list or directly and I'll
submit the required info to the list.

Thank you.

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