[poppler] PDF render problem

idka idka idkaphm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 10:39:02 PST 2011


I am new to Poppler so please forgive me if this is too dumb a question.

I compiled Poppler 0.16.0 in win7 using cmake and built it in visual studio

After building everything, I tried running the poppler-render. None of the
pdf's I tried rendered correctly. They are all in messy color and you can
vaguely see some of the words got rendered correctly but still in weird
color and position.

I attached one of the files in the attachment. On the left was the rendered
jpg image and on the right was how the pdf should look like. It is not a
specific file issue because I tried 5 or 6 different pdf's they all got the
same weird output.

My cmake build file look like this:

del cmakecache.txt
set FTDIR=C:\Developer\freetype
set JPEGDIR=C:\Developer\jpeg
set ZLIBDIR=C:\Developer\zlib
set PNGDIR=C:\Developer\png
set ICONVDIR=C:\Developer\libiconv
set CAIRODIR=C:\Developer\cairo
"C:\Program Files\CMake 2.8\bin\cmake.exe" -G "Visual Studio 8 2005"
"C:\developer\poppler" -DICONV_INCLUDE_DIR="%INCONVDIR%\include"

Is there anything I am missing? Please help.

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