[poppler] qt3 frontend

Ilya Chernykh anixxsus at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 10:12:51 PDT 2011

On Friday 16 September 2011 21:01:48 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

> > Is it possible to keep support for qt3 front-end in poppler 0.18?
> It would be possible, but being honest Qt3 and KDE3 are the past.

I think for openSUSE at least this is not exactly the case because I think 
KDE3 will be back in the upcoming release after a gap of 4 releases.

> If you want to keep using them, that is fine, but for upstream projects 
> maitaining a Qt3 backend when noone is interested in doing so is a pain, so it 
> is not going to happen.
> Of course you are free to get the old code and compile it against the new 
> poppler, it should not be that difficult.

Can you please check if it builds well against 0.18 without much effort?
If may you simply include it into the package or as a separate tarball?

Actually I am not sure how I can extract poppler-qt3 from an existing package and build 
it agains poppler from another package... And also probably the distro will not
accept a package which is hacked rather than comes from the devs.

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