No subject

Fri Feb 17 09:15:08 PST 2012


> Also, after having cloned the Poppler repo, I'm not sure where to look
> first. What I gather is that there are multiple backends and frontends for
> Poppler. Backends like Cairo, Splash and frontends like Qt4, GLib and a
> vanilla C++ one. Which of these should I use?

The one you like better :D

> I'd kind of like minimal dependencies, but I've used Qt4 in the past
> and liked it.
> Which of these should I look at first (and actually, how do they all
> fit together)?

Qt4 and cpp frontends use splash backend, glib one uses cairo backend.


> Sorry for being really noob-ish, but I just cant find any info :(
> Thanks!
> Dan
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