[poppler] paid assignment SWFTools: XPDF/Poppler library update to 3.03

Carlos Garcia Campos carlosgc at gnome.org
Sun Jun 3 00:59:43 PDT 2012

Excerpts from Philip Tillman's message of vie jun 01 10:41:44 +0200 2012:
> Hello,


> I am looking for someone who can update the xpdf/poppler library for
> swftools for windows.

What do you mean by xpdf/poppler? do you need to update poppler or
xpdf? Or is swftools that uses poppler and needs to be updated due to
the poppler API changes in 0.20?

> This is would be a paid assignment and we are looking
> to hire someone for this job within a week.

Would you be interested in contracting a company or are you only
looking for someone to do it?

> Summary:
> There is a bug fix that my company needs in the latest xpdf for the pdf2swf
> tool (in the swftools suite). This assignment requires significant
> rewriting of the code beyond simple linking issues because the xpdf library
> api has changed.

Does it require rewriting swftools code? or xpdf? or poppler?

> If you are interested in the job please contact me and send your cv,
> relevant experience, etc.

My company (Igalia S.L.) could be interested in case you can contract
a company for the job.

> Kind Regards,
> Philip Tillman

Carlos Garcia Campos
PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462

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