[poppler] [qt4] Question on the use of the FormFieldChoice class

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue Oct 16 13:29:46 PDT 2012

El Dimarts, 16 d'octubre de 2012, a les 17:58:58, Adam Reichold va escriure:
> Hello,


> Upon making use of the form support in qt4 frontend, I stumbled upon
> the following question: If a FormFieldChoice of ChoiceType ComboBox is
> editable, the user can type in any desired value which should then
> probably be added to the available choices. But how can I add a custom
> choice as there is no FormFieldChoice::setChoices?

You can't

Seems we forgot to wrap FormFieldChoice::setEditChoice

Do you feel like adding it?


> Thanks for any advice. Best regards, Adam.

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