[poppler] PDF to PPM: Page height differs between 32bit and 64bit systems

Dyweni - Poppler 7FdqWGq4fE8x at dyweni.com
Wed May 14 07:39:09 PDT 2014


I noticed a discrepancy between the PPM files that pdftoppm creates on 
32bit systems and what it creates on 64bit systems.

On 32bit systems, the page height is listed as 1650.  On 64bit systems, 
the page height is listed as 1651.

I think I've narrowed it down to the use of 'h = (int)ceil(pg_h)' on 
line 214 of utils/pdftoppm.cc (0.26.0).

Here's my debugging method: I added the following debug lines right 
after that line:
printf("pg_w = %f, w = %i\n", pg_w, w);
printf("pg_h = %f, h = %i\n", pg_h, h);

On 32bit systems, I get the following:
pg_w = 1275.000000, w = 1275
pg_h = 1650.000000, h = 1650

On 64bit systems, I get the following:
pg_w = 1275.000000, w = 1275
pg_h = 1650.000000, h = 1651

Any suggestions for a fix?


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