[poppler] Fwd: [OpenJPEG] OpenJPEG 2.1.1 released today

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue Jul 5 20:23:43 UTC 2016

Can someone check how good it is?

Maybe we can change for it to be default now?


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Assumpte: [OpenJPEG] OpenJPEG 2.1.1 released today
Data: dimarts, 5 de juliol de 2016, 16:11:31 CEST
De: Antonin - OpenJPEG <info at openjpeg.org>
A: openjpeg at googlegroups.com <openjpeg at googlegroups.com>

Hi folks,

Well, miracles happen, OpenJPEG 2.1.1 is released today:

No fancy additional features, no API/ABI break compared to OpenJPEG 2.1 … 
Mostly a release with the *huge* amount of critical bug fixes brought to the 
library since 2 years. A release that will therefore mostly interest linux 
distributions package maintainers.
See full change log here: https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/blob/

The real good news however is the following: release process has been 
drastically automated, thanks to the powerful tools from github, travis and 
appveyor. Making a release is now (almost) as easy as tagging the right branch 
in the github repo: it automatically creates the releases and upload the 
binaries. So OpenJPEG  will eventually have a release cycle that’s worth its 
name: every 3 months at max, I’ll tag the repo to trigger a new release.

And, last but not least, among the bunch of tests that are automatically done 
for each commit, the results of the API/ABI compliance check is now directly 
uploaded on the OpenJPEG website: http://www.openjpeg.org/abi-check/timeline/
openjpeg/, so that we can follow the compliance from one commit to another.

I hope you will enjoy this new release and the above-mentioned improvements. I 
take this opportunity to thank all those having contributed to improve the 
library until now. Special thanks to Matthieu Darbois for all the time spent 
on bug fixes, PR merging, and continuous integration improvement.



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* UCL Image and Signal Processing Group (http://sites.uclouvain.be/ispgroup) 
* IntoPIX (www.intopix.com)


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