[poppler] Poppler provided printf() functions on Windows not language compliant

Jason Crain jason at aquaticape.us
Sat Mar 5 00:30:50 UTC 2016

On Fri, Mar 04, 2016 at 01:58:54PM -0800, mathog wrote:
> On 04-Mar-2016 13:49, mathog wrote:
> >In tracking down a bug in Inkscape here:
> >
> >  https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1538361
> >
> >it was discovered that the version of Poppler in devlibs61 appears to
> >provide its own printf() functions, which replace the usual ones
> Hmm, or not.  Downloaded and unpacked poppler-0.41.0 and found that
> grep -R sprintf .
> did not turn up any code that defines a new function.  So now I'm really
> mystified.
> How would linking in a static libpoppler break an applications' use of a
> printf() function if it doesn't define a new one?
> Thanks,
> David Mathog
> mathog at caltech.edu
> Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

I'm not familiar with compiling for mingw or devlibs, but I'd be curious to see
if you run that test program in a debugger and step into the printf function or
try the command "info symbol printf" from gdb, to see where the printf function
actually goes.

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