[poppler] Static build

Ranjan Ghosh ghosh at pw6.de
Fri Dec 14 19:07:38 UTC 2018

Wow. What a wild ride. Once you type "ldd pdf2svg" and you really see 
"Not a dynamic executable" after literally days of work you almost 
cannot believe it's true. Thank you so much, Jeroen! It took me a while 
to finally figure it all out, but I eventually managed to build a static 
pdf2svg binary. The single sentence below from you was very short and 
(for me) initially *extremely* cryptic (I'm no expert on all this stuff, 
mind you) but turned out to be one of the wisest tips I ever got in IT. 
So much cleverness crammed into one single sentence. I just had to trust 
exactly what you said and diligently follow through and solve every 
single compilation error and consequence that resulted out of it.

I posted on the relevant pdf2svg issue how I've finally managed to put 
everything together in case some else finds it useful:


Am 05.12.18 um 17:53 schrieb Jeroen Ooms:
> When static linking you need to include the linker flags for all the
> dependencies.

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