[poppler] how to build poppler in windows system?

刘勇顺 powerobust at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 10:29:19 UTC 2018

I open the source code using CMake,

I get some error informations:

Install libopenjpeg2 before trying to build poppler. You can also decide
to use the internal unmaintained JPX decoder or none at all.

I open the FindLIBOPENJPEG2.cmake file in the  DIR path

edit the code as follows:

set(LIBOPENJPEG2_INCLUDE_DIRS  "E:/poppler-0.65.0/ext/openjpeg/include")
set(LIBOPENJPEG2_LIBRARIES  "E:/poppler-0.65.0/ext/openjpeg/lib")

find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(LIBOPENJPEG2 libopenjp2)
endif ()

 It does not work,when I open CMake, the same error information arise,
could any friends  help me ?thanks alot
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