[poppler] Moving up our "minimum" Linux base

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Sun Feb 17 17:09:20 UTC 2019

El diumenge, 3 de febrer de 2019, a les 14:39:27 CET, Albert Astals Cid va escriure:
> Right now our minimum Linux base as "guaranteed" by the gitlab CI is
> Ubuntu 14.04. Since that is going out of support even by Canonical
> this April I'd like to move that "minimum" to Ubuntu 16.04.
> Particularly that means we could start requiring features available in gcc 5.4
> Anyone against this?

There doesn't seem to be huge disagreements of that so if no one really really complains in the next two weeks i'd like to declare as supported platforms what we have in CI which would be:
 * gitlab
   - debian (unstable)
   - ubuntu (xenial would replace trusty)
   - mingw64 (via fedora)
   - android (via kdeorg/android-sdk docker)

 * cirrus (in my github clone)
   - freebsd-11-2

 * travis (in my github clone)
   - osx xcode9.3 and xcode8.3

 * appveyor (in my github clone)
   - mingw64 (via windows itself)
   - msvc2017


> Cheers,
>   Albert

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