[Portland] kbuildsycoca and xdg-utils

Tom Whipple tom.whipple at intel.com
Mon Aug 7 15:33:08 PDT 2006

(sending to list)

On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 19:43 +0200, Lubos Lunak wrote:

>  The second patch tries to remove the KDE warnings all over the testsuite 
> (well, and also the strange test using "$GDMSESSION" = "kde" - how many 
> people do actually really have it set this way?). Since the test now kind of 
> requires X display I also removed set_no_display in needed places.

A possible use case for the install time tools is for a system
administrator to install applications via a remote session where there
is no display set. Therefore, it is necessary to leave the
set_no_display to verify that a headless install works correctly. The
test requires an X display only for the user to verify the install was
correct, not for the utility we are testing to run correctly. There is
still value in running the test non-interactively.

The warnings for KDE seem tied to the fixes to xdg-utils you propose.
Assuming Waldo & others are OK with those changes (and assuming they
work), then we can remove the warnings. 

I will take out the $GDMSESSION reference though.

>  However I 
> still must be missing one place somewhere, because the first tests don't 
> trigger kbuildsycoca - any idea?

The testrunner uses 'su -' to ensure that it is running in a clean
environment. (Depending upon the system and arguments it may do 'sudo su
- ') As a result, DISPLAY is not set.

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