[Portland] Re: OSDL DTL Tech board on freedesktop.org specs - Thu, Aug 10

Vincent Untz vuntz at gnome.org
Tue Aug 8 03:54:32 PDT 2006

On jeu, 2006-08-03 at 14:34 -0700, Bastian, Waldo wrote:
> People interested in freedesktop.org specifications are hereby invited
> to join next week's DTL Technical Workgroup conference call on this
> topic. I have attached the preliminary agenda below. If you have
> suggestions for additional agenda items, please let me know and I will
> update the agenda accordingly.
> One of the goals for this call is to identify concrete actions that can
> be taken to improve the specification process, to create more clearity
> in which (parts of) specifications are supported in which products and
> to provide better guidance to independent software developers.
> The other goal is to identify promising specs that could benefit from
> more attention. Xsettings comes to mind here, but I'm sure people have a
> few other favourites as well here.

Would it be possible to send minutes to the list for people who won't be
able to attend the conference call?


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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