[Portland] RELEASED: xdg-utils 1.0 beta3

Bastian, Waldo waldo.bastian at intel.com
Fri Aug 11 16:09:08 PDT 2006

Xdg-utils 1.0 beta3 is now available from

Main changes:
* Test suite has been updated, test coverage has been extended and it is
a bit smarter in pointing out the real issues. (Instead of complaining
about too much stdout output)
* xdg-screensaver's gnome support has been reworked and xscreensaver
support has been added
* Minor fixes

If you have a chance please take the beta out for a test drive on a
distribution of your choice and submit your testreports at
http://portland.freedesktop.org/testreport.html Your feedback is
invaluable. Please start the testrun as non-root and provide the admin
password when prompted. This results in better test coverage.

Please note that I will be about to go on vacation and will not be able
to reply to e-mail until Aug 21st. (Joseph, I will reply to your e-mail
when I get back)
Waldo Bastian
Linux Client Architect - Client Linux Foundation Technology
Channel Platform Solutions Group
Intel Corporation - http://www.intel.com/opensource
OSDL DTL Tech Board Chairman

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