[Portland] xdg-utils-1.0.1: sed -i option unknown on NetBSD

Thomas Klausner tk at giga.or.at
Tue Dec 26 01:13:25 PST 2006

On Mon, Dec 25, 2006 at 10:56:11PM -0600, Tom Whipple wrote:
> I noticed that in addition to sed, there are a number of other problems 
> with this run. For example, tests/include/system_info does not seem to 
> be able to find out much about your system, nor can the xdg-utils find 
> the required gnome/kde commands. (I think it might be more appropriate 
> to go into details in the bug comments.)

Actually, I built and ran it in a chroot, so it couldn't find any
KDE or GNOME commands. Which GNOME and KDE packages in particular
would have to be installed for a more useful run?

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