[Portland] RE: screensaver and power manager dbus interfaces

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 11:06:57 PDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 17:48 -0700, Bastian, Waldo wrote:
> I think this fits in really nice with the long-term vision that
> Portland
> has with DAPI (Deskop API). I would like to suggest to rename the
> interface org.gnome.* to org.freedesktop.* and host them as part of
> DAPI in the Portland CVS (See portland.freedesktop.org). And then we
> should get some DBUS love for DAPI going I guess.

Sounds like a plan. I think we need to formalise the interface names,
and the method and signal names and then we can start to add this to a
shared specification. Maybe add the g-s and g-p-m interfaces to a fd.o
wiki somewhere just while we argue about the names and proper
descriptions and examples. Anyone got any idea where would be best?

It would also be nice to get some buy-in from the KDE crowd, to see if
this sort of thing would be workable for KDE4 (now they have officially
jumped on d-bus...) and how we can share a spec.

Can some of the KDE guys forward this thread onto the relevant
screensaver/power-manager guys please.

While I'm writing email, there's lots of info about g-s/g-p-m inhibit
stuff in the FAQ wiki, such as


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