[Portland] Consistent messaging

Ian Murdock imurdock at imurdock.com
Sat Mar 11 00:22:23 EET 2006

John Cherry wrote:
>>> The Portland Project is working in concert with the Linux Standards Base
>>> (LSB) to document and standardize the application programming
>>> interfaces.
>> Is this an official goal of the Portland "task force" or an extrapolation of 
>> the work we are currently doing?
> Yes, it is a goal for the portland programming interfaces to become part
> of the desktop LSB.  This does not mean that the LSB will be defining
> interfaces FOR the portland developers, but that at the end of the day,
> the LSB will be testing for interface compliance.  Rajesh has been
> involved with the Portland developers and there has even been some
> discussion about which interfaces SHOULD be specified in the LSB.

FYI, we've got a minor release in the LSB 3.x roadmap specifically for
integrated of the Portland work. Let's definitely work closely on this.

-ian (LSB workgroup chair/FSG CTO)
Ian Murdock

"Don't look back--something might be gaining on you." --Satchel Paige

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