[Portland] Consistent messaging

Jeremy White jwhite at codeweavers.com
Sat Mar 11 15:38:59 EET 2006

>>"The Portland Project has already provided us with the solution to
>>a nasty problem with mail integration; our newest software product will
>>interoperate properly with Gnome email only because of it."
> From one of your other mails I take it that you are using a commandline 
> interface of GNOME for this.
> If you have some kind of requirements for this I could check if it is possible 
> with KDE's commandline interfaces as well.

Sorry for the confusion.  KDE worked perfectly right out of
the starting gate.  We were struggling with Evolution, and the Wiki
gave me the clue bat I needed.

But if you know a trivial way to scrape the current color scheme
out of the currently running KDE theme, that would be great <grin>.



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