[Portland] Summarize current plan?

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Mon Mar 13 00:50:42 EET 2006

On 3/12/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce at osdl.org> wrote:
> > I guess I'm surprised that dapi can't be like that;
> > a very basic library that I can statically link in
> > and magically gain the ability to make a menu.
> > I could accept that I might have to add some complexity
> > (like bundle a daemon) if I wanted to get fancy,
> > but why can't I just have an easy way to make my
> > menu appear?
> Yep, although menus are probably not the best thing to consider here,
> since they do have a standardized spec to them.  In fact, I think there
> was a point made that dapi probably shouldn't do menu stuff for just
> this reason.

GAAAAAAH.  OK, can all the DAPI people go to one side of
the room?  Great.   You guys knock yourselves out; presumably
your goal is to unify many aspects of the KDE and Gnome APIs.
Now, everybody else, lets put together a second package that
only tries to unify a few small aspects of the KDE and Gnome
environments, the ones that can be done *without* a daemon,
e.g. menu item creation, email client invocation, and the like.
By design, it will be 5% the size of DAPI, and will be more suitable
for bundling with ISV's apps (so it can be used before it's part of LSB).
I'm not really knocking DAPI -- it's just that we need something
ultrasimple, too.
- Dan

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