[Portland] A practical observation about the name DAPI

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Tue Mar 14 16:34:54 EET 2006

Hi all,
while I like the name DAPI, I have to point out that
I've already used an API named DAPI.  In fact,
if you do a google search for DAPI, you get about
a million hits.

When naming a package, it's a good idea to
remember that many people look for documentation
by googling the name of the package,
and therefore to pick a name that does not
already generate more than a handful of hits.

The names OPDAPI (Out of Process Desktop api)
and LBDAPI (Late Binding Desktop API), for instance,
get no real hits on google.  Other, better, names
are probably easy to find, given a modicum of inspiration.

Anyway, I just wanted to urge y'all to consider
the search-as-primary-navigation-technique issue
before the name DAPI is set in stone.
- Dan

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