[Portland] Patch for xdg-terminal, not launching generic terminal

wwp subscript at free.fr
Wed Apr 24 07:18:52 PDT 2013

Hello Rex,

On Wed, 24 Apr 2013 07:52:45 -0500 Rex Dieter <rdieter at math.unl.edu> wrote:

> On 04/24/2013 03:25 AM, wwp wrote:
> > I've been testing xdg-terminal recently and it doesn't seem to launch
> > the generic terminal. Thus I'm proposing the following patch:
> I'd much prefer this be documented in a bug report @ bugzilla.freedesktop.org against Portland/xdg-util, so it doesn't get lost.
> (I won't have a chance to review anything till at least next week).

Hmm no need apparently, it was https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40418
and it's marked as fixed (exact same patch that the one I proposed).

I'm just wondering why I didn't get a fixed version when I `git
clone`d, I had to regen xdg-terminal from xdg-terminal.in. User issue,
I presume!


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