[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #143: PulseAudio network marvel I want to see

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Wed Oct 31 14:55:36 PDT 2007

#143: PulseAudio network marvel I want to see
 Reporter:  Rudd-O        |       Owner:  lennart
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:         
Component:  padevchooser  |    Severity:  normal 
 Keywords:                |  
 Pulse is great.  I've manually configured my user profile using paprefs to
 broadcast using RTP, and the machines that have sound cards in my house
 get it and play it because they've been setup as systemwide daemons with
 RTP sinks.

 So far so good.  Now here comes the tricky part.  If I want to cast to a
 specific device on a specific machine, I have to manually type the machine
 name in padevchooser (which by the way doesn't automatically show up
 because PA zeroconf is terminally broken with emu10k1 cards -- there is
 another bug on that).  and only then select the appropriate audio device.
 It's annoying that the OK button is focused instead of the dialog box text
 entry, but that's not SO bad.  This is "badder":

 1) I can't move already playing streams from machine to machine and,
 2) whatever I choose in padevchooser doens't apply to a particular app but
 to all subsequently playing apps after the padevchooser server change --
 until I go back and select a different server.

 My wish (which I understand is mostly impossible due to architectural
 decisions) -- that I can:

 - directly choose a sink among all of my servers (i.e. merge the servers
 and sinks submenus in padevchooser), and
 - move streams not just among devices, but among different machines as

 And of course that this would need as little configuration as possible --
 zero :-)

 There's also the problem of Skype (or padsp Skype) not working with Pulse,
 but well I guess we can leave that for another bug.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/143>
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