[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #340: Option to make a playback/stream exclusive

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Fri Aug 22 06:47:30 PDT 2008

#340: Option to make a playback/stream exclusive
  Reporter:  knorr        |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new    
  Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:         
 Component:  daemon       |    Severity:  normal 
Resolution:               |    Keywords:         
Comment (by lennart):

 Actually something like this *will* be coming, because a11y people really
 need it. We'll probably have kind of a priorization mechanism, that allows
 you to attenuate or mute background streams when a foreground stream is
 played based on properties that are set for each stream.

 The details still need to be figured out, but it is agreed that this
 functionality is needed and useful even beyond the a11y case.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/340#comment:4>
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