[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #242: PolicyKit unable to show dialog for pulseaudio daemon

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Thu Feb 14 12:48:59 PST 2008

#242: PolicyKit unable to show dialog for pulseaudio daemon
 Reporter:  pkgw    |       Owner:  lennart
     Type:  defect  |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:         
Component:  daemon  |    Severity:  normal 
 Keywords:          |  
 The pulseaudio PolicyKit integration doesn't quite work on my Fedora 8
 system. Whenever the PulseAudio daemon starts up, I see this message:

 W: polkit.c: Failed to show grant dialog: Unable to lookup exe for caller
 W: polkit.c: PolicyKit responded with 'auth_admin_keep_always'

 This is after I manually added my user to the group 'pulse-rt' to see
 about getting realtime support in the daemon.

 This message appears because PolicyKit-gnome is, as it says, unable to
 look up the exe associated with the PulseAudio daemon. In PolicyKit-
 gnome/src/polkit-gnome-manager.c:do_auth (), first the PA daemon PID is
 obtained from dbus, then it tries to look up the exe by readlink()ing
 /proc/[pid]/exe .

 However, because the PA daemon is setuid root, the polkit-gnome-manager
 program, being run as the calling user, doesn't have the permissions to
 read that link, so the do_auth () function bails.

 I don't have enough expertise as to suggest what should be done about
 this. It seems, however, that as-is the PolicyKit integration just can't
 do anything useful. If that can't be worked around, I'm not sure what the
 point of having PolicyKit support is at all.

Ticket URL: <http://www.pulseaudio.org/ticket/242>
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