[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #166: Various asserts in pulseaudio that result in mplayer crash

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Fri Feb 15 06:34:55 PST 2008

#166: Various asserts in pulseaudio that result in mplayer crash
  Reporter:  Stax      |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new    
  Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:         
 Component:  libpulse  |    Severity:  major  
Resolution:            |    Keywords:         
Comment (by lennart):

 If any of the pa_context_xxx() or pa_stream_xxx() functions are called
 from a different thread than the main loop thread while it is running than
 this has to be protected with _lock() and _unlock().

 Hence, yes, you do have a race condition here. A bug in MPlayer, not in

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/166#comment:3>
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