[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #361: Cannot find mixer control Master

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Thu Sep 18 06:01:30 PDT 2008

#361: Cannot find mixer control Master
 Reporter:  illuusio            |       Owner:  ossman
     Type:  defect              |      Status:  new   
 Priority:  high                |   Milestone:        
Component:  alsa-plugins-pulse  |    Severity:  normal
 Keywords:  LTSP                |  
 I'm setting up ALSA/LTSP5 enviroment on openSUSE 11.0 and got these errors
 when lauching pulseaudio (That is used in LTSP5)

 Cannot find mixer control "Master"
 Cannot find fallback mixer control "PCM"

 (Can't paste them because they are on LTSP machines.. but I figured out
 this there isn't Master or PCM in mixer (it's snd_intel_hda module) so I
 little bit hacked this and made this tiny patch to show how I get it

Ticket URL: <http://www.pulseaudio.org/ticket/361>
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