[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #719: Pulseaudio interacts poorly with non-pulse apps

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Sun Nov 15 18:45:28 PST 2009

#719: Pulseaudio interacts poorly with non-pulse apps
  Reporter:  p-static  |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new    
 Milestone:            |   Component:  daemon 
Resolution:            |    Keywords:         

Comment(by p-static):

 Hmm. What if there was a way for Pulse to signal to applications using it
 that it's outputting sound to a dummy device? This would also be useful
 for systems that don't have working sound hardware (assuming any exist).
 Then, it would at least be possible for applications to know that they're
 not really generating sound, and possibly warn the user.

 It makes sense that Pulse can't be responsible for every weird
 configuration that a Linux system can get into, but I see all too many
 people who run into this problem or problems like this, and their solution
 is to uninstall Pulse. Even an error message, however it gets to the user,
 would go a long way. What about a notifier module that hooks into
 libnotify or something similar?

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/719#comment:2>
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