[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #680: pasuspender should switch the default alsa device from pulse to dmix (or whatever is was originally)

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Thu Oct 15 05:01:40 PDT 2009

#680: pasuspender should switch the default alsa device from pulse to dmix (or
whatever is was originally)
  Reporter:  belegdol     |       Owner:  lennart 
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new     
 Milestone:               |   Component:  libpulse
Resolution:               |    Keywords:          

Comment(by coling):

 I don't think pasuspender should do this personally. Fiddling about with
 your config files is always going to end up severely pissing some users
 off. And restoring them again could also lead to some kind of invalid
 state in the event of a crash or power failure etc.

 A better solution would be to make the pulse alsa plugin fall back to dmix
 if pulseaudio was unable to handle the request (e.g. due to it being
 suspended). I think sjoerd had some code to potentially do just that, but
 I'm not sure how stable it ultimately turned out to be.

 Even then, the ultimate proper solution is to fix whatever app required
 you to use pasuspender in the first place, so it can go through pulse like
 everything else!

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/680#comment:1>
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