[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #937: pacmd set-default-sink has no effect on output

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Sun May 22 04:46:15 PDT 2011

#937: pacmd set-default-sink has no effect on output
  Reporter:  takkat      |       Owner:  lennart               
      Type:  defect      |      Status:  closed                
 Milestone:              |   Component:  daemon                
Resolution:  worksforme  |    Keywords:  pacmd set-default-sink

Comment(by coling):

 Yeah, this is expected. The default device in PA is more of a fallback,
 not an active thing. It is by design that it doesn't move streams. g-v-c
 specifically moves devices when it sets the default, so it's it's code
 that decides this policy.

 FWIW, all of this will change in the not too distant future and there will
 be more robust routing systems implemented inside PA that will provide
 greater flexibility and control.

 In the mean time, your workaround is likely valid, but obviously you won't
 be able to override the choice on a per-application basis (e.g. in
 pavucontrol) and expect it to "stick", but this is likely something you
 can live with :)

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/937#comment:2>
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