[pulseaudio-commits] r1834 - in /branches/lennart/src: Makefile.am modules/module-remap-sink.c

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Sun Sep 16 15:03:20 PDT 2007

Author: lennart
Date: Mon Sep 17 00:03:19 2007
New Revision: 1834

URL: http://0pointer.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi?rev=1834&root=pulseaudio&view=rev
add a new module module-remap-sink which can be used to remap the channel maps of an already existant sink. one use case is to create a virtual sink that redirects stereo data to the rear speakers of a surround card.

    branches/lennart/src/modules/module-remap-sink.c   (with props)

Modified: branches/lennart/src/Makefile.am
URL: http://0pointer.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/branches/lennart/src/Makefile.am?rev=1834&root=pulseaudio&r1=1833&r2=1834&view=diff
--- branches/lennart/src/Makefile.am (original)
+++ branches/lennart/src/Makefile.am Mon Sep 17 00:03:19 2007
@@ -934,7 +934,8 @@
 		module-native-protocol-tcp.la \
 		module-native-protocol-fd.la \
 		module-esound-protocol-tcp.la \
-		module-combine.la
+		module-combine.la \
+		module-remap-sink.la
 #		module-tunnel-sink.la \
 #		module-tunnel-source.la \
 #		module-esound-sink.la
@@ -1054,6 +1055,7 @@
 		modules/module-native-protocol-fd-symdef.h \
 		modules/module-sine-symdef.h \
 		modules/module-combine-symdef.h \
+		modules/module-remap-sink-symdef.h \
 		modules/module-esound-compat-spawnfd-symdef.h \
 		modules/module-esound-compat-spawnpid-symdef.h \
 		modules/module-match-symdef.h \
@@ -1202,6 +1204,10 @@
 module_combine_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
 module_combine_la_LIBADD = $(AM_LIBADD) libpulsecore.la
+module_remap_sink_la_SOURCES = modules/module-remap-sink.c
+module_remap_sink_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
+module_remap_sink_la_LIBADD = $(AM_LIBADD) libpulsecore.la
 module_match_la_SOURCES = modules/module-match.c
 module_match_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
 module_match_la_LIBADD = $(AM_LIBADD) libpulsecore.la

Added: branches/lennart/src/modules/module-remap-sink.c
URL: http://0pointer.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/branches/lennart/src/modules/module-remap-sink.c?rev=1834&root=pulseaudio&view=auto
--- branches/lennart/src/modules/module-remap-sink.c (added)
+++ branches/lennart/src/modules/module-remap-sink.c Mon Sep 17 00:03:19 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,330 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+  This file is part of PulseAudio.
+  Copyright 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering
+  PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+  or (at your option) any later version.
+  PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+  along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
+  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+  USA.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <pulse/xmalloc.h>
+#include <pulsecore/core-error.h>
+#include <pulsecore/namereg.h>
+#include <pulsecore/sink.h>
+#include <pulsecore/module.h>
+#include <pulsecore/core-util.h>
+#include <pulsecore/modargs.h>
+#include <pulsecore/log.h>
+#include <pulsecore/thread.h>
+#include <pulsecore/thread-mq.h>
+#include <pulsecore/rtpoll.h>
+#include "module-remap-sink-symdef.h"
+PA_MODULE_AUTHOR("Lennart Poettering")
+PA_MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtual channel remapping sink")
+        "sink_name=<name for the sink> "
+        "master=<name of sink to remap> "
+        "master_channel_map=<channel map> "
+        "format=<sample format> "
+        "channels=<number of channels> "
+        "rate=<sample rate> "
+        "channel_map=<channel map>")
+#define DEFAULT_SINK_NAME "remapped"
+struct userdata {
+    pa_core *core;
+    pa_module *module;
+    pa_sink *sink, *master;
+    pa_sink_input *sink_input;
+    pa_memchunk memchunk;
+static const char* const valid_modargs[] = {
+    "sink_name",
+    "master",
+    "master_channel_map", 
+    "rate",
+    "format",
+    "channels",
+    "channel_map",
+    NULL
+/* Called from I/O thread context */
+static int sink_process_msg(pa_msgobject *o, int code, void *data, int64_t offset, pa_memchunk *chunk) {
+    struct userdata *u = PA_SINK(o)->userdata;
+    switch (code) {
+            pa_usec_t usec = 0;
+            if (PA_MSGOBJECT(u->master)->process_msg(PA_MSGOBJECT(u->master), PA_SINK_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY, &usec, 0, NULL) < 0)
+                usec = 0;
+            *((pa_usec_t*) data) = usec + pa_bytes_to_usec(u->memchunk.length, &u->sink->sample_spec);
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return pa_sink_process_msg(o, code, data, offset, chunk);
+/* Called from main context */
+static int sink_set_state(pa_sink *s, pa_sink_state_t state) {
+    struct userdata *u;
+    pa_sink_assert_ref(s);
+    pa_assert_se(u = s->userdata);
+    if (PA_SINK_LINKED(state) && u->sink_input)
+        pa_sink_input_cork(u->sink_input, state == PA_SINK_SUSPENDED);
+    return 0;
+/* Called from I/O thread context */
+static int sink_input_process_msg(pa_msgobject *o, int code, void *data, int64_t offset, pa_memchunk *chunk) {
+    struct userdata *u = PA_SINK_INPUT(o)->userdata;
+    switch (code) {
+            *((pa_usec_t*) data) = pa_bytes_to_usec(u->memchunk.length, &u->sink_input->sample_spec);
+            /* Fall through, the default handler will add in the extra
+             * latency added by the resampler */
+            break;
+    }
+    return pa_sink_input_process_msg(o, code, data, offset, chunk);
+/* Called from I/O thread context */
+static int sink_input_peek_cb(pa_sink_input *i, size_t length, pa_memchunk *chunk) {
+    struct userdata *u;
+    pa_sink_input_assert_ref(i);
+    pa_assert_se(u = i->userdata);
+    if (!u->memchunk.memblock)
+        pa_sink_render(u->sink, length, &u->memchunk);
+    pa_assert(u->memchunk.memblock);
+    *chunk = u->memchunk;
+    pa_memblock_ref(chunk->memblock);
+    return 0;
+/* Called from I/O thread context */
+static void sink_input_drop_cb(pa_sink_input *i, size_t length) {
+    struct userdata *u;
+    pa_sink_input_assert_ref(i);
+    pa_assert_se(u = i->userdata);
+    pa_assert(length > 0);
+    if (u->memchunk.memblock) {
+        if (length < u->memchunk.length) {
+            u->memchunk.index += length;
+            u->memchunk.length -= length;
+            return;
+        }
+        pa_memblock_unref(u->memchunk.memblock);
+        length -= u->memchunk.length;
+        pa_memchunk_reset(&u->memchunk);
+    }
+    if (length > 0)
+        pa_sink_skip(u->sink, length);
+/* Called from I/O thread context */
+static void sink_input_detach_cb(pa_sink_input *i) {
+    struct userdata *u;
+    pa_sink_input_assert_ref(i);
+    pa_assert_se(u = i->userdata);
+    pa_sink_detach_within_thread(u->sink);
+/* Called from I/O thread context */
+static void sink_input_attach_cb(pa_sink_input *i) {
+    struct userdata *u;
+    pa_sink_input_assert_ref(i);
+    pa_assert_se(u = i->userdata);
+    pa_sink_set_asyncmsgq(u->sink, i->sink->asyncmsgq);
+    pa_sink_set_rtpoll(u->sink, i->sink->rtpoll);
+    pa_sink_attach_within_thread(u->sink);
+/* Called from main context */
+static void sink_input_kill_cb(pa_sink_input *i) {
+    struct userdata *u;
+    pa_sink_input_assert_ref(i);
+    pa_assert_se(u = i->userdata);
+    pa_sink_input_unlink(u->sink_input);
+    pa_sink_input_unref(u->sink_input);
+    u->sink_input = NULL;
+    pa_sink_unlink(u->sink);
+    pa_sink_unref(u->sink);
+    u->sink = NULL;
+    pa_module_unload_request(u->module);
+int pa__init(pa_module*m) {
+    struct userdata *u;
+    pa_sample_spec ss;
+    pa_channel_map sink_map, stream_map;
+    pa_modargs *ma;
+    char *t;
+    pa_sink *master;
+    pa_sink_input_new_data data;
+    pa_assert(m);
+    if (!(ma = pa_modargs_new(m->argument, valid_modargs))) {
+        pa_log("Failed to parse module arguments.");
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    if (!(master = pa_namereg_get(m->core, pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "master", NULL), PA_NAMEREG_SINK, 1))) {
+        pa_log("Master sink not found");
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    ss = master->sample_spec;
+    sink_map = master->channel_map;
+    if (pa_modargs_get_sample_spec_and_channel_map(ma, &ss, &sink_map, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_DEFAULT) < 0) {
+        pa_log("Invalid sample format specification or channel map");
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    stream_map = sink_map;
+    if (pa_modargs_get_channel_map(ma, "master_channel_map", &stream_map) < 0) {
+        pa_log("Invalid master hannel map");
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    if (stream_map.channels != ss.channels) {
+        pa_log("Number of channels doesn't match");
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    u = pa_xnew0(struct userdata, 1);
+    u->core = m->core;
+    u->module = m;
+    m->userdata = u;
+    u->master = master;
+    pa_memchunk_reset(&u->memchunk);
+    /* Create sink */
+    if (!(u->sink = pa_sink_new(m->core, __FILE__, pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "sink_name", DEFAULT_SINK_NAME), 0, &ss, &sink_map))) {
+        pa_log("Failed to create sink.");
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    u->sink->parent.process_msg = sink_process_msg;
+    u->sink->set_state = sink_set_state;
+    u->sink->userdata = u;
+    u->sink->flags = PA_SINK_LATENCY|PA_SINK_CAN_SUSPEND;
+    pa_sink_set_module(u->sink, m);
+    pa_sink_set_description(u->sink, t = pa_sprintf_malloc("Remapped sink of '%s'", master->description));
+    pa_xfree(t);
+    pa_sink_set_asyncmsgq(u->sink, master->asyncmsgq);
+    pa_sink_set_rtpoll(u->sink, master->rtpoll);
+    /* Create sink input */
+    pa_sink_input_new_data_init(&data);
+    data.sink = u->master;
+    data.driver = __FILE__;
+    data.name = "Remapped stream";
+    pa_sink_input_new_data_set_sample_spec(&data, &ss);
+    pa_sink_input_new_data_set_channel_map(&data, &stream_map);
+    data.module = m;
+    if (!(u->sink_input = pa_sink_input_new(m->core, &data, PA_SINK_INPUT_DONT_MOVE)))
+        goto fail;
+    u->sink_input->parent.process_msg = sink_input_process_msg;
+    u->sink_input->peek = sink_input_peek_cb;
+    u->sink_input->drop = sink_input_drop_cb;
+    u->sink_input->kill = sink_input_kill_cb;
+    u->sink_input->attach = sink_input_attach_cb;
+    u->sink_input->detach = sink_input_detach_cb;
+    u->sink_input->userdata = u;
+    pa_sink_put(u->sink);
+    pa_sink_input_put(u->sink_input);
+    pa_modargs_free(ma);
+    return 0;
+    if (ma)
+        pa_modargs_free(ma);
+    pa__done(m);
+    return -1;
+void pa__done(pa_module*m) {
+    struct userdata *u;
+    pa_assert(m);
+    if (!(u = m->userdata))
+        return;
+    if (u->sink_input) {
+        pa_sink_input_unlink(u->sink_input);
+        pa_sink_input_unref(u->sink_input);
+    }
+    if (u->sink) {
+        pa_sink_unlink(u->sink);
+        pa_sink_unref(u->sink);
+    }
+    if (u->memchunk.memblock)
+        pa_memblock_unref(u->memchunk.memblock);
+    pa_xfree(u);

Propchange: branches/lennart/src/modules/module-remap-sink.c
    svn:keywords = Id

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