[pulseaudio-commits] [SCM] PulseAudio Sound Server branch, master, updated. v0.9.15-test2-19-g023998e

Lennart Poettering gitmailer-noreply at 0pointer.de
Fri Feb 13 14:08:25 PST 2009

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because of a push to the "PulseAudio Sound Server" repository.

The master branch has been updated
      from  dc590c7d0aced673bb395f12f39749b4ac8407fd (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
023998e... add doxygen comment for PA_GCC_WEAKREF
d447a8d... document all currently known properties

Summary of changes:
 src/pulse/gccmacro.h |    1 +
 src/pulse/proplist.h |  171 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)


commit d447a8dbbbc1aa4e5389ae1ea9880ddde6222590
Author: Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net>
Date:   Fri Feb 13 23:01:24 2009 +0100

    document all currently known properties

diff --git a/src/pulse/proplist.h b/src/pulse/proplist.h
index 57a23d9..c0c3459 100644
--- a/src/pulse/proplist.h
+++ b/src/pulse/proplist.h
@@ -30,110 +30,163 @@
-/* Defined properties:
- *
- *    media.name                    "Guns'N'Roses: Civil War"
- *    media.title                   "Civil War"
- *    media.artist                  "Guns'N'Roses"
- *    media.language                "de_DE"
- *    media.filename
- *    media.icon                    Binary blob containing PNG icon data
- *    media.icon_name               Name from XDG icon naming spec
- *    media.role                    video, music, game, event, phone, animation, production, filter, abstract, stream
- *    event.id                      Name from XDG sound naming spec
- *    event.description             "Button blabla clicked" for a11y
- *    event.mouse.x
- *    event.mouse.y
- *    event.mouse.hpos              Float formatted as string in range 0..1
- *    event.mouse.vpos              Float formatted as string in range 0..1
- *    event.mouse.button            Button number following X11 ordering
- *    window.name
- *    window.id                     "org.gnome.rhytmbox.MainWindow"
- *    window.icon                   Binary blob containing PNG icon data
- *    window.icon_name              Name from XDG icon naming spec
- *    window.x11.display
- *    window.x11.screen
- *    window.x11.monitor
- *    window.x11.xid
- *    application.name              "Rhythmbox Media Player"
- *    application.id                "org.gnome.rhythmbox"
- *    application.version
- *    application.icon              Binary blob containing PNG icon data
- *    application.icon_name         Name from XDG icon naming spec
- *    application.language
- *    application.process.id
- *    application.process.binary
- *    application.process.user
- *    application.process.host
- *    application.process.machine_id D-Bus machine ID
- *    device.string
- *    device.api                    oss, alsa, sunaudio
- *    device.description
- *    device.bus_path
- *    device.serial
- *    device.vendor_product_id
- *    device.class                  sound, modem, monitor, filter, abstract
- *    device.form_factor            laptop-speakers, external-speakers, telephone, tv-capture, webcam-capture, microphone-capture, headset, headphones, hands-free, car, hifi, computer, portable
- *    device.connector              isa, pci, usb, firewire, bluetooth
- *    device.access_mode            mmap, mmap_rewrite, serial
- *    device.master_device
- *    device.buffering.buffer_size
- *    device.buffering.fragment_size
- *    device.profile.name           analog-stereo, analog-surround-40, iec958-stereo, ...
- *    device.profile.description    "Analog Stereo", ...
- */
+/** For streams: localized media name, formatted as UTF-8. e.g. "Guns'N'Roses: Civil War".*/
 #define PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME                     "media.name"
+/** For streams: localized media title if applicable, formatted as UTF-8. e.g. "Civil War" */
 #define PA_PROP_MEDIA_TITLE                    "media.title"
+/** For streams: localized media artist if applicable, formatted as UTF-8. e.g. "Guns'N'Roses" */
 #define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ARTIST                   "media.artist"
+/** For streams: media language if applicable, in standard POSIX format. e.g. "de_DE" */
 #define PA_PROP_MEDIA_LANGUAGE                 "media.language"
+/** For streams: source filename if applicable, in URI format or local path. e.g. "/home/lennart/music/foobar.ogg" */
 #define PA_PROP_MEDIA_FILENAME                 "media.filename"
+/** For streams: icon for the media. A binary blob containing PNG image data */
 #define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ICON                     "media.icon"
+/** For streams: an XDG icon name for the media. e.g. "audio-x-mp3" */
 #define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ICON_NAME                "media.icon_name"
+/** For streams: logic role of this media. One of the strings "video", "music", "game", "event", "phone", "animation", "production" */
 #define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ROLE                     "media.role"
+/** For event sound streams: XDG event sound name. e.g. "message-new-email" (Event sound streams are those with media.role set to "event") */
 #define PA_PROP_EVENT_ID                       "event.id"
+/** For event sound streams: localized human readable one-line description of the event, formatted as UTF-8. e.g. "Email from lennart at example.com received." */
 #define PA_PROP_EVENT_DESCRIPTION              "event.description"
+/** For event sound streams: absolute horizontal mouse position on the screen if the event sound was triggered by a mouse click, integer formatted as text string. e.g. "865" */
 #define PA_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_X                  "event.mouse.x"
+/** For event sound streams: absolute vertical mouse position on the screen if the event sound was triggered by a mouse click, integer formatted as text string. e.g. "432" */
 #define PA_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_Y                  "event.mouse.y"
+/** For event sound streams: relative horizontal mouse position on the screen if the event sound was triggered by a mouse click, float formatted as text string, ranging from 0.0 (left side of the screen) to 1.0 (right side of the screen). e.g. "0.65" */
 #define PA_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_HPOS               "event.mouse.hpos"
+/** For event sound streams: relative vertical mouse position on the screen if the event sound was triggered by a mouse click, float formatted as text string, ranging from 0.0 (top of the screen) to 1.0 (bottom of the screen). e.g. "0.43" */
 #define PA_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_VPOS               "event.mouse.vpos"
+/** For event sound streams: mouse button that triggered the event if applicable, integer formatted as string with 0=left, 1=middle, 2=right. e.g. "0" */
 #define PA_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON             "event.mouse.button"
+/** For streams that belong to a window on the screen: localized window title. e.g. "Totem Music Player" */
 #define PA_PROP_WINDOW_NAME                    "window.name"
+/** For streams that belong to a window on the screen: a textual id for identifying a window logically. e.g. "org.gnome.Totem.MainWindow" */
 #define PA_PROP_WINDOW_ID                      "window.id"
+/** For streams that belong to a window on the screen: window icon. A binary blob containing PNG image data */
 #define PA_PROP_WINDOW_ICON                    "window.icon"
+/** For streams that belong to a window on the screen: an XDG icon name for the window. e.g. "totem" */
 #define PA_PROP_WINDOW_ICON_NAME               "window.icon_name"
+/** For streams that belong to an X11 window on the screen: the X11 display string. e.g. ":0.0" */
 #define PA_PROP_WINDOW_X11_DISPLAY             "window.x11.display"
+/** For streams that belong to an X11 window on the screen: the X11 screen the window is on, an integer formatted as string. e.g. "0" */
 #define PA_PROP_WINDOW_X11_SCREEN              "window.x11.screen"
+/** For streams that belong to an X11 window on the screen: the X11 monitor the window is on, an integer formatted as string. e.g. "0" */
 #define PA_PROP_WINDOW_X11_MONITOR             "window.x11.monitor"
+/** For streams that belong to an X11 window on the screen: the window XID, an integer formatted as string. e.g. "25632" */
 #define PA_PROP_WINDOW_X11_XID                 "window.x11.xid"
+/** For clients/streams: localized human readable application name. e.g. "Totem Music Player" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME               "application.name"
+/** For clients/streams: a textual id for identifying an application logically. e.g. "org.gnome.Totem" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ID                 "application.id"
+/** For clients/streams: a version string e.g. "0.6.88" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_VERSION            "application.version"
+/** For clients/streams: application icon. A binary blob containing PNG image data */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ICON               "application.icon"
+/** For clients/streams: an XDG icon name for the application. e.g. "totem" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ICON_NAME          "application.icon_name"
+/** For clients/streams: application language if applicable, in standard POSIX format. e.g. "de_DE" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_LANGUAGE           "application.language"
+/** For clients/streams on UNIX: application process PID, an integer formatted as string. e.g. "4711" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_ID         "application.process.id"
+/** For clients/streams: application process name. e.g. "totem" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_BINARY     "application.process.binary"
+/** For clients/streams: application user name. e.g. "lennart" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_USER       "application.process.user"
+/** For clients/streams: host name the application runs on. e.g. "omega" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_HOST       "application.process.host"
+/** For clients/streams: the D-Bus host id the application runs on. e.g. "543679e7b01393ed3e3e650047d78f6e" */
 #define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_MACHINE_ID "application.process.machine_id"
+/** For devices: device string in the underlying audio layer's format. e.g. "surround51:0" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_STRING                  "device.string"
+/** For devices: API this device is access with. e.g. "alsa" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_API                     "device.api"
+/** For devices: localized human readable device one-line description, e.g. "Foobar Industries USB Headset 2000+ Ultra" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION             "device.description"
+/** For devices: bus path to the device in the OS' format. e.g. "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:1f.2" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUS_PATH                "device.bus_path"
+/** For devices: serial number if applicable. e.g. "4711-0815-1234" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_SERIAL                  "device.serial"
+/** For devices: vendor/product ID if applicable. e.g. 1274:1371 */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_VENDOR_PRODUCT_ID       "device.vendor_product_id"
+/** For devices: device class. One of "sound", "modem", "monitor", "filter" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_CLASS                   "device.class"
+/** For devices: form factor if applicable. One of "laptop-speakers", "external-speakers", "telephone", "tv-capture", "webcam-capture", "microphone-capture", "headset", "headphones", "hands-free", "car", "hifi", "computer", "portable" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR             "device.form_factor"
+/** For devices: connector of the device if applicable. One of "isa", "pci", "usb", "firewire", "bluetooth" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_CONNECTOR               "device.connector"
+/** For devices: access mode of the device if applicable. One of "mmap", "mmap_rewrite", "serial" */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_ACCESS_MODE             "device.access_mode"
+/** For filter devices: master device id if applicable. */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_MASTER_DEVICE           "device.master_device"
+/** For devices: buffer size in bytes, integer formatted as string.. */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUFFERING_BUFFER_SIZE   "device.buffering.buffer_size"
+/** For devices: fragment size in bytes, integer formatted as string. */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUFFERING_FRAGMENT_SIZE "device.buffering.fragment_size"
+/** For devices: profile identifier for the profile this devices is in. e.g. "analog-stereo", "analog-surround-40", "iec958-stereo", ...*/
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_PROFILE_NAME            "device.profile.name"
+/** For devices: human readable one-line description of the profile this device is in. e.g. "Analog Stereo", ... */
 #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION     "device.profile.description"
+/** For modules: the author's name, formatted as UTF-8 string. e.g. "Lennart Poettering" */
 #define PA_PROP_MODULE_AUTHOR                  "module.author"
+/** For modules: a human readable one-line description of the module's purpose formatted as UTF-8. e.g. "Frobnicate sounds with a flux compensator" */
 #define PA_PROP_MODULE_DESCRIPTION             "module.description"
+/** For modules: a human readable usage description of the module's arguments formatted as UTF-8. */
 #define PA_PROP_MODULE_USAGE                   "module.usage"
+/** For modules: a version string for the module. e.g. "0.9.15" */
 #define PA_PROP_MODULE_VERSION                 "module.version"
 /** A property list object. Basically a dictionary with ASCII strings
@@ -179,17 +232,17 @@ int pa_proplist_get(pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const void **data, size_t *
 /** Update mode enum for pa_proplist_update(). \since 0.9.11 */
 typedef enum pa_update_mode {
-    /*< Replace the entirey property list with the new one. Don't keep
-     *  any of the old data around */
+    /**< Replace the entirey property list with the new one. Don't keep
+     *  any of the old data around */,
-    /*< Merge new property list into the existing one, not replacing
+    /**< Merge new property list into the existing one, not replacing
      *  any old entries if they share a common key with the new
-     *  property list. */
+     *  property list. */,
-    /*< Merge new property list into the existing one, replacing all
+    /**< Merge new property list into the existing one, replacing all
      *  old entries that share a common key with the new property
      *  list. */
 } pa_update_mode_t;

commit 023998e3c84c3158ab9f02e26949dbcd3e048886
Author: Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net>
Date:   Fri Feb 13 23:06:41 2009 +0100

    add doxygen comment for PA_GCC_WEAKREF

diff --git a/src/pulse/gccmacro.h b/src/pulse/gccmacro.h
index 8d9d4f0..f110a74 100644
--- a/src/pulse/gccmacro.h
+++ b/src/pulse/gccmacro.h
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
 #ifdef __GNUC__
+/** Macro for usgae of GCC's weakref attribute */
 #define PA_GCC_WEAKREF(x) __attribute__((weakref(#x)));

PulseAudio Sound Server

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