[pulseaudio-commits] 2 commits - src/modules
Colin Guthrie
colin at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Aug 29 02:01:30 PDT 2011
src/modules/module-device-restore.c | 625 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 460 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit a13a402ed3c48d3df52c523edb232bc8c7c9479c
Author: Colin Guthrie <colin at mageia.org>
Date: Wed Aug 24 22:50:28 2011 +0100
device-restore: Restore volumes on port change.
This will allow for volumes to be saved separately for e.g. Headphones vs. Speakers.
At present it is possible that no volume will be saved for the device prior to the port
switch. In this case the volume will not change from the value set under the other port.
In an ideal world we would save the volume before switching port, but that would require
a new hook.
diff --git a/src/modules/module-device-restore.c b/src/modules/module-device-restore.c
index 090d6b2..a96ec08 100644
--- a/src/modules/module-device-restore.c
+++ b/src/modules/module-device-restore.c
@@ -83,9 +83,11 @@ struct userdata {
+ *sink_port_hook_slot,
+ *source_port_hook_slot,
pa_time_event *save_time_event;
pa_database *database;
@@ -804,6 +806,46 @@ static pa_hook_result_t sink_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink_new_data *
return PA_HOOK_OK;
+static pa_hook_result_t sink_port_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink *sink, struct userdata *u) {
+ char *name;
+ struct perportentry *e;
+ pa_assert(c);
+ pa_assert(sink);
+ pa_assert(u);
+ pa_assert(u->restore_volume || u->restore_muted);
+ name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s:%s", sink->name, (sink->active_port ? sink->active_port->name : "null"));
+ if ((e = perportentry_read(u, name))) {
+ if (u->restore_volume && e->volume_valid) {
+ pa_cvolume v;
+ pa_log_info("Restoring volume for sink %s.", sink->name);
+ v = e->volume;
+ pa_cvolume_remap(&v, &e->channel_map, &sink->channel_map);
+ pa_sink_set_volume(sink, &v, TRUE, FALSE);
+ sink->save_volume = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (u->restore_muted && e->muted_valid) {
+ pa_log_info("Restoring mute state for sink %s.", sink->name);
+ pa_sink_set_mute(sink, e->muted, FALSE);
+ sink->save_muted = TRUE;
+ }
+ perportentry_free(e);
+ }
+ pa_xfree(name);
+ return PA_HOOK_OK;
static pa_hook_result_t sink_put_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink *sink, struct userdata *u) {
char *name;
struct perportentry *e;
@@ -905,6 +947,46 @@ static pa_hook_result_t source_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_source_new_da
return PA_HOOK_OK;
+static pa_hook_result_t source_port_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_source *source, struct userdata *u) {
+ char *name;
+ struct perportentry *e;
+ pa_assert(c);
+ pa_assert(source);
+ pa_assert(u);
+ pa_assert(u->restore_volume || u->restore_muted);
+ name = pa_sprintf_malloc("source:%s:%s", source->name, (source->active_port ? source->active_port->name : "null"));
+ if ((e = perportentry_read(u, name))) {
+ if (u->restore_volume && e->volume_valid) {
+ pa_cvolume v;
+ pa_log_info("Restoring volume for source %s.", source->name);
+ v = e->volume;
+ pa_cvolume_remap(&v, &e->channel_map, &source->channel_map);
+ pa_source_set_volume(source, &v, TRUE, FALSE);
+ source->save_volume = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (u->restore_muted && e->muted_valid) {
+ pa_log_info("Restoring mute state for source %s.", source->name);
+ pa_source_set_mute(source, e->muted, FALSE);
+ source->save_muted = TRUE;
+ }
+ perportentry_free(e);
+ }
+ pa_xfree(name);
+ return PA_HOOK_OK;
#define EXT_VERSION 1
static void read_sink_format_reply(struct userdata *u, pa_tagstruct *reply, pa_sink *sink) {
@@ -1170,6 +1252,9 @@ int pa__init(pa_module*m) {
if (restore_muted || restore_volume) {
u->sink_fixate_hook_slot = pa_hook_connect(&m->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SINK_FIXATE], PA_HOOK_EARLY, (pa_hook_cb_t) sink_fixate_hook_callback, u);
u->source_fixate_hook_slot = pa_hook_connect(&m->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_FIXATE], PA_HOOK_EARLY, (pa_hook_cb_t) source_fixate_hook_callback, u);
+ u->sink_port_hook_slot = pa_hook_connect(&m->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SINK_PORT_CHANGED], PA_HOOK_EARLY, (pa_hook_cb_t) sink_port_hook_callback, u);
+ u->source_port_hook_slot = pa_hook_connect(&m->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SOURCE_PORT_CHANGED], PA_HOOK_EARLY, (pa_hook_cb_t) source_port_hook_callback, u);
if (restore_formats)
@@ -1224,6 +1309,10 @@ void pa__done(pa_module*m) {
if (u->source_new_hook_slot)
+ if (u->sink_port_hook_slot)
+ pa_hook_slot_free(u->sink_port_hook_slot);
+ if (u->source_port_hook_slot)
+ pa_hook_slot_free(u->source_port_hook_slot);
if (u->sink_put_hook_slot)
commit 1ee97e57caf34576ba97cf3b6e7b51388442e3c2
Author: Colin Guthrie <colin at mageia.org>
Date: Wed Aug 24 22:28:13 2011 +0100
device-restore: Split device restore database into two parts.
The device restore saves both the current port for a device, and the volume/mute/formats.
The latter three are really related to the device+port, not the device on it's own.
Thus we store just the port for a device in one key and the volume/mute/formats
under a different key that includes both the device and the port.
diff --git a/src/modules/module-device-restore.c b/src/modules/module-device-restore.c
index 496fe7d..090d6b2 100644
--- a/src/modules/module-device-restore.c
+++ b/src/modules/module-device-restore.c
@@ -114,11 +114,18 @@ enum {
struct entry {
uint8_t version;
- pa_bool_t muted_valid, volume_valid, port_valid;
+ pa_bool_t port_valid;
+ char *port;
+struct perportentry {
+ uint8_t version;
+ pa_bool_t muted_valid, volume_valid;
pa_bool_t muted;
pa_channel_map channel_map;
pa_cvolume volume;
- char *port;
pa_idxset *formats;
@@ -164,9 +171,190 @@ static void trigger_save(struct userdata *u, pa_device_type_t type, uint32_t sin
u->save_time_event = pa_core_rttime_new(u->core, pa_rtclock_now() + SAVE_INTERVAL, save_time_callback, u);
-static struct entry* entry_new(pa_bool_t add_pcm_format) {
+/* Some forward declarations */
+static pa_bool_t legacy_entry_read(struct userdata *u, pa_datum *data, struct entry **entry, struct perportentry **perportentry);
+static pa_bool_t perportentry_write(struct userdata *u, const char *name, const struct perportentry *e);
+static void perportentry_free(struct perportentry* e);
+static struct entry* entry_new() {
struct entry *r = pa_xnew0(struct entry, 1);
r->version = ENTRY_VERSION;
+ return r;
+static void entry_free(struct entry* e) {
+ pa_assert(e);
+ pa_xfree(e->port);
+ pa_xfree(e);
+static pa_bool_t entry_write(struct userdata *u, const char *name, const struct entry *e) {
+ pa_tagstruct *t;
+ pa_datum key, data;
+ pa_bool_t r;
+ pa_assert(u);
+ pa_assert(name);
+ pa_assert(e);
+ t = pa_tagstruct_new(NULL, 0);
+ pa_tagstruct_putu8(t, e->version);
+ pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, e->port_valid);
+ pa_tagstruct_puts(t, e->port);
+ key.data = (char *) name;
+ key.size = strlen(name);
+ data.data = (void*)pa_tagstruct_data(t, &data.size);
+ r = (pa_database_set(u->database, &key, &data, TRUE) == 0);
+ pa_tagstruct_free(t);
+ return r;
+static struct entry* entry_read(struct userdata *u, const char *name) {
+ pa_datum key, data;
+ struct entry *e = NULL;
+ pa_tagstruct *t = NULL;
+ const char* port;
+ pa_assert(u);
+ pa_assert(name);
+ key.data = (char*) name;
+ key.size = strlen(name);
+ pa_zero(data);
+ if (!pa_database_get(u->database, &key, &data))
+ goto fail;
+ t = pa_tagstruct_new(data.data, data.size);
+ e = entry_new(FALSE);
+ if (pa_tagstruct_getu8(t, &e->version) < 0 ||
+ e->version > ENTRY_VERSION ||
+ pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &e->port_valid) < 0 ||
+ pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &port) < 0) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t))
+ goto fail;
+ e->port = pa_xstrdup(port);
+ pa_tagstruct_free(t);
+ pa_datum_free(&data);
+ return e;
+ pa_log_debug("Database contains invalid data for key: %s (probably pre-v1.0 data)", name);
+ if (e)
+ entry_free(e);
+ if (t)
+ pa_tagstruct_free(t);
+ struct perportentry *ppe;
+ pa_log_debug("Attempting to load legacy (pre-v1.0) data for key: %s", name);
+ if (legacy_entry_read(u, &data, &e, &ppe)) {
+ pa_bool_t written = FALSE;
+ pa_device_port *dport;
+ char *ppename;
+ void *state = NULL;
+ pa_log_debug("Success. Saving new format for key: %s", name);
+ written = entry_write(u, name, e);
+ /* Now convert the legacy entry into per-port entries */
+ if (0 == strncmp("sink:", name, 5)) {
+ pa_sink *sink;
+ if ((sink = pa_namereg_get(u->core, name+5, PA_NAMEREG_SINK))) {
+ if (sink->ports) {
+ PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(dport, sink->ports, state) {
+ ppename = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s:%s", name, dport->name);
+ written = perportentry_write(u, ppename, ppe) || written;
+ pa_xfree(ppename);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ppename = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s:%s", name, "null");
+ written = perportentry_write(u, ppename, ppe) || written;
+ pa_xfree(ppename);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (0 == strncmp("source:", name, 7)) {
+ pa_source *source;
+ if ((source = pa_namereg_get(u->core, name+7, PA_NAMEREG_SOURCE))) {
+ if (source->ports) {
+ PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(dport, source->ports, state) {
+ ppename = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s:%s", name, dport->name);
+ written = perportentry_write(u, ppename, ppe) || written;
+ pa_xfree(ppename);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ppename = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s:%s", name, "null");
+ written = perportentry_write(u, ppename, ppe) || written;
+ pa_xfree(ppename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ perportentry_free(ppe);
+ if (written)
+ /* NB The device type doesn't matter when we pass in an invalid index. */
+ pa_datum_free(&data);
+ return e;
+ }
+ pa_log_debug("Unable to load legacy (pre-v1.0) data for key: %s. Ignoring.", name);
+ pa_datum_free(&data);
+ return NULL;
+static struct entry* entry_copy(const struct entry *e) {
+ struct entry* r;
+ pa_assert(e);
+ r = entry_new();
+ r->version = e->version;
+ r->port_valid = e->port_valid;
+ r->port = pa_xstrdup(e->port);
+ return r;
+static pa_bool_t entries_equal(const struct entry *a, const struct entry *b) {
+ pa_assert(a && b);
+ if (a->port_valid != b->port_valid ||
+ (a->port_valid && !pa_streq(a->port, b->port)))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+static struct perportentry* perportentry_new(pa_bool_t add_pcm_format) {
+ struct perportentry *r = pa_xnew0(struct perportentry, 1);
r->formats = pa_idxset_new(NULL, NULL);
if (add_pcm_format) {
pa_format_info *f = pa_format_info_new();
@@ -176,15 +364,14 @@ static struct entry* entry_new(pa_bool_t add_pcm_format) {
return r;
-static void entry_free(struct entry* e) {
+static void perportentry_free(struct perportentry* e) {
pa_idxset_free(e->formats, (pa_free2_cb_t) pa_format_info_free2, NULL);
- pa_xfree(e->port);
-static pa_bool_t entry_write(struct userdata *u, const char *name, const struct entry *e) {
+static pa_bool_t perportentry_write(struct userdata *u, const char *name, const struct perportentry *e) {
pa_tagstruct *t;
pa_datum key, data;
pa_bool_t r;
@@ -206,8 +393,6 @@ static pa_bool_t entry_write(struct userdata *u, const char *name, const struct
pa_tagstruct_put_cvolume(t, &e->volume);
pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, e->muted_valid);
pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, e->muted);
- pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, e->port_valid);
- pa_tagstruct_puts(t, e->port);
pa_tagstruct_putu8(t, n_formats);
PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(f, e->formats, i) {
@@ -226,68 +411,10 @@ static pa_bool_t entry_write(struct userdata *u, const char *name, const struct
return r;
-static struct entry* legacy_entry_read(struct userdata *u, pa_datum *data) {
- struct legacy_entry {
- uint8_t version;
- pa_bool_t muted_valid:1, volume_valid:1, port_valid:1;
- pa_bool_t muted:1;
- pa_channel_map channel_map;
- pa_cvolume volume;
- char port[PA_NAME_MAX];
- struct legacy_entry *le;
- struct entry *e;
- pa_assert(u);
- pa_assert(data);
- if (data->size != sizeof(struct legacy_entry)) {
- pa_log_debug("Size does not match.");
- return NULL;
- }
- le = (struct legacy_entry*)data->data;
- if (le->version != LEGACY_ENTRY_VERSION) {
- pa_log_debug("Version mismatch.");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!memchr(le->port, 0, sizeof(le->port))) {
- pa_log_warn("Port has missing NUL byte.");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (le->volume_valid && !pa_channel_map_valid(&le->channel_map)) {
- pa_log_warn("Invalid channel map.");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (le->volume_valid && (!pa_cvolume_valid(&le->volume) || !pa_cvolume_compatible_with_channel_map(&le->volume, &le->channel_map))) {
- pa_log_warn("Volume and channel map don't match.");
- return NULL;
- }
- e = entry_new(TRUE);
- e->muted_valid = le->muted_valid;
- e->volume_valid = le->volume_valid;
- e->port_valid = le->port_valid;
- e->muted = le->muted;
- e->channel_map = le->channel_map;
- e->volume = le->volume;
- e->port = pa_xstrdup(le->port);
- return e;
-static struct entry* entry_read(struct userdata *u, const char *name) {
+static struct perportentry* perportentry_read(struct userdata *u, const char *name) {
pa_datum key, data;
- struct entry *e = NULL;
+ struct perportentry *e = NULL;
pa_tagstruct *t = NULL;
- const char* port;
uint8_t i, n_formats;
@@ -302,24 +429,20 @@ static struct entry* entry_read(struct userdata *u, const char *name) {
goto fail;
t = pa_tagstruct_new(data.data, data.size);
- e = entry_new(FALSE);
+ e = perportentry_new(FALSE);
if (pa_tagstruct_getu8(t, &e->version) < 0 ||
- e->version > ENTRY_VERSION ||
+ e->version > PERPORTENTRY_VERSION ||
pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &e->volume_valid) < 0 ||
pa_tagstruct_get_channel_map(t, &e->channel_map) < 0 ||
pa_tagstruct_get_cvolume(t, &e->volume) < 0 ||
pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &e->muted_valid) < 0 ||
pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &e->muted) < 0 ||
- pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &e->port_valid) < 0 ||
- pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &port) < 0 ||
pa_tagstruct_getu8(t, &n_formats) < 0 || n_formats < 1) {
goto fail;
- e->port = pa_xstrdup(port);
for (i = 0; i < n_formats; ++i) {
pa_format_info *f = pa_format_info_new();
if (pa_tagstruct_get_format_info(t, f) < 0) {
@@ -349,44 +472,30 @@ static struct entry* entry_read(struct userdata *u, const char *name) {
- pa_log_debug("Database contains invalid data for key: %s (probably pre-v1.0 data)", name);
+ pa_log_debug("Database contains invalid data for key: %s", name);
if (e)
- entry_free(e);
+ perportentry_free(e);
if (t)
- pa_log_debug("Attempting to load legacy (pre-v1.0) data for key: %s", name);
- if ((e = legacy_entry_read(u, &data))) {
- pa_log_debug("Success. Saving new format for key: %s", name);
- if (entry_write(u, name, e))
- pa_datum_free(&data);
- return e;
- } else
- pa_log_debug("Unable to load legacy (pre-v1.0) data for key: %s. Ignoring.", name);
return NULL;
-static struct entry* entry_copy(const struct entry *e) {
- struct entry* r;
+static struct perportentry* perportentry_copy(const struct perportentry *e) {
+ struct perportentry* r;
uint32_t idx;
pa_format_info *f;
- r = entry_new(FALSE);
+ r = perportentry_new(FALSE);
r->version = e->version;
r->muted_valid = e->muted_valid;
r->volume_valid = e->volume_valid;
- r->port_valid = e->port_valid;
r->muted = e->muted;
r->channel_map = e->channel_map;
r->volume = e->volume;
- r->port = pa_xstrdup(e->port);
PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(f, e->formats, idx) {
pa_idxset_put(r->formats, pa_format_info_copy(f), NULL);
@@ -394,12 +503,10 @@ static struct entry* entry_copy(const struct entry *e) {
return r;
-static pa_bool_t entries_equal(const struct entry *a, const struct entry *b) {
+static pa_bool_t perportentries_equal(const struct perportentry *a, const struct perportentry *b) {
pa_cvolume t;
- if (a->port_valid != b->port_valid ||
- (a->port_valid && !pa_streq(a->port, b->port)))
- return FALSE;
+ pa_assert(a && b);
if (a->muted_valid != b->muted_valid ||
(a->muted_valid && (a->muted != b->muted)))
@@ -418,11 +525,74 @@ static pa_bool_t entries_equal(const struct entry *a, const struct entry *b) {
return TRUE;
+static pa_bool_t legacy_entry_read(struct userdata *u, pa_datum *data, struct entry **entry, struct perportentry **perportentry) {
+ struct legacy_entry {
+ uint8_t version;
+ pa_bool_t muted_valid:1, volume_valid:1, port_valid:1;
+ pa_bool_t muted:1;
+ pa_channel_map channel_map;
+ pa_cvolume volume;
+ char port[PA_NAME_MAX];
+ struct legacy_entry *le;
+ pa_assert(u);
+ pa_assert(data);
+ pa_assert(entry);
+ pa_assert(perportentry);
+ if (data->size != sizeof(struct legacy_entry)) {
+ pa_log_debug("Size does not match.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ le = (struct legacy_entry*)data->data;
+ if (le->version != LEGACY_ENTRY_VERSION) {
+ pa_log_debug("Version mismatch.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!memchr(le->port, 0, sizeof(le->port))) {
+ pa_log_warn("Port has missing NUL byte.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (le->volume_valid && !pa_channel_map_valid(&le->channel_map)) {
+ pa_log_warn("Invalid channel map.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (le->volume_valid && (!pa_cvolume_valid(&le->volume) || !pa_cvolume_compatible_with_channel_map(&le->volume, &le->channel_map))) {
+ pa_log_warn("Volume and channel map don't match.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *entry = entry_new();
+ (*entry)->port_valid = le->port_valid;
+ (*entry)->port = pa_xstrdup(le->port);
+ *perportentry = perportentry_new(TRUE);
+ (*perportentry)->muted_valid = le->muted_valid;
+ (*perportentry)->volume_valid = le->volume_valid;
+ (*perportentry)->muted = le->muted;
+ (*perportentry)->channel_map = le->channel_map;
+ (*perportentry)->volume = le->volume;
+ return TRUE;
static void subscribe_callback(pa_core *c, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t idx, void *userdata) {
struct userdata *u = userdata;
- struct entry *entry, *old;
- char *name;
+ struct entry *e, *olde;
+ struct perportentry *ppe, *oldppe;
+ char *ename, *ppename;
pa_device_type_t type;
+ pa_bool_t written = FALSE;
@@ -440,30 +610,35 @@ static void subscribe_callback(pa_core *c, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint3
- name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s", sink->name);
- if ((old = entry_read(u, name)))
- entry = entry_copy(old);
+ ename = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s", sink->name);
+ if ((olde = entry_read(u, ename)))
+ e = entry_copy(olde);
- entry = entry_new(TRUE);
+ e = entry_new();
- if (sink->save_volume) {
- entry->channel_map = sink->channel_map;
- entry->volume = *pa_sink_get_volume(sink, FALSE);
- entry->volume_valid = TRUE;
+ if (sink->save_port) {
+ pa_xfree(e->port);
+ e->port = pa_xstrdup(sink->active_port ? sink->active_port->name : "");
+ e->port_valid = TRUE;
- if (sink->save_muted) {
- entry->muted = pa_sink_get_mute(sink, FALSE);
- entry->muted_valid = TRUE;
- }
+ ppename = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s:%s", sink->name, (sink->active_port ? sink->active_port->name : "null"));
+ if ((oldppe = perportentry_read(u, ppename)))
+ ppe = perportentry_copy(oldppe);
+ else
+ ppe = perportentry_new(TRUE);
- if (sink->save_port) {
- pa_xfree(entry->port);
- entry->port = pa_xstrdup(sink->active_port ? sink->active_port->name : "");
- entry->port_valid = TRUE;
+ if (sink->save_volume) {
+ ppe->channel_map = sink->channel_map;
+ ppe->volume = *pa_sink_get_volume(sink, FALSE);
+ ppe->volume_valid = TRUE;
+ if (sink->save_muted) {
+ ppe->muted = pa_sink_get_mute(sink, FALSE);
+ ppe->muted_valid = TRUE;
+ }
} else {
pa_source *source;
@@ -473,52 +648,83 @@ static void subscribe_callback(pa_core *c, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint3
- name = pa_sprintf_malloc("source:%s", source->name);
- if ((old = entry_read(u, name)))
- entry = entry_copy(old);
+ ename = pa_sprintf_malloc("source:%s", source->name);
+ if ((olde = entry_read(u, ename)))
+ e = entry_copy(olde);
+ else
+ e = entry_new();
+ if (source->save_port) {
+ pa_xfree(e->port);
+ e->port = pa_xstrdup(source->active_port ? source->active_port->name : "");
+ e->port_valid = TRUE;
+ }
+ ppename = pa_sprintf_malloc("source:%s:%s", source->name, (source->active_port ? source->active_port->name : "null"));
+ if ((oldppe = perportentry_read(u, ppename)))
+ ppe = perportentry_copy(oldppe);
- entry = entry_new(TRUE);
+ ppe = perportentry_new(TRUE);
if (source->save_volume) {
- entry->channel_map = source->channel_map;
- entry->volume = *pa_source_get_volume(source, FALSE);
- entry->volume_valid = TRUE;
+ ppe->channel_map = source->channel_map;
+ ppe->volume = *pa_source_get_volume(source, FALSE);
+ ppe->volume_valid = TRUE;
if (source->save_muted) {
- entry->muted = pa_source_get_mute(source, FALSE);
- entry->muted_valid = TRUE;
+ ppe->muted = pa_source_get_mute(source, FALSE);
+ ppe->muted_valid = TRUE;
+ }
- if (source->save_port) {
- pa_xfree(entry->port);
- entry->port = pa_xstrdup(source->active_port ? source->active_port->name : "");
- entry->port_valid = TRUE;
- }
+ pa_assert(e);
+ if (olde) {
+ if (entries_equal(olde, e)) {
+ entry_free(olde);
+ entry_free(e);
+ e = NULL;
+ } else
+ entry_free(olde);
- pa_assert(entry);
+ if (e) {
+ pa_log_info("Storing port for device %s.", ename);
- if (old) {
+ written = entry_write(u, ename, e);
- if (entries_equal(old, entry)) {
- entry_free(old);
- entry_free(entry);
- pa_xfree(name);
- return;
- }
+ entry_free(e);
+ }
+ pa_xfree(ename);
+ pa_assert(ppe);
- entry_free(old);
+ if (oldppe) {
+ if (perportentries_equal(oldppe, ppe)) {
+ perportentry_free(oldppe);
+ perportentry_free(ppe);
+ ppe = NULL;
+ } else
+ perportentry_free(oldppe);
- pa_log_info("Storing volume/mute/port for device %s.", name);
+ if (ppe) {
+ pa_log_info("Storing volume/mute for device+port %s.", ppename);
- if (entry_write(u, name, entry))
- trigger_save(u, type, idx);
+ written = perportentry_write(u, ppename, ppe) || written;
- entry_free(entry);
- pa_xfree(name);
+ perportentry_free(ppe);
+ }
+ pa_xfree(ppename);
+ if (written)
+ trigger_save(u, type, idx);
static pa_hook_result_t sink_new_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink_new_data *new_data, struct userdata *u) {
@@ -553,16 +759,16 @@ static pa_hook_result_t sink_new_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink_new_data *new
static pa_hook_result_t sink_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink_new_data *new_data, struct userdata *u) {
char *name;
- struct entry *e;
+ struct perportentry *e;
pa_assert(u->restore_volume || u->restore_muted);
- name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s", new_data->name);
+ name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s:%s", new_data->name, (new_data->active_port ? new_data->active_port : "null"));
- if ((e = entry_read(u, name))) {
+ if ((e = perportentry_read(u, name))) {
if (u->restore_volume && e->volume_valid) {
@@ -590,7 +796,7 @@ static pa_hook_result_t sink_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink_new_data *
pa_log_debug("Not restoring mute state for sink %s, because already set.", new_data->name);
- entry_free(e);
+ perportentry_free(e);
@@ -600,21 +806,21 @@ static pa_hook_result_t sink_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink_new_data *
static pa_hook_result_t sink_put_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_sink *sink, struct userdata *u) {
char *name;
- struct entry *e;
+ struct perportentry *e;
- name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s", sink->name);
+ name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s:%s", sink->name, (sink->active_port ? sink->active_port->name : "null"));
- if ((e = entry_read(u, name))) {
+ if ((e = perportentry_read(u, name))) {
if (!pa_sink_set_formats(sink, e->formats))
pa_log_debug("Could not set format on sink %s", sink->name);
- entry_free(e);
+ perportentry_free(e);
@@ -654,16 +860,16 @@ static pa_hook_result_t source_new_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_source_new_data
static pa_hook_result_t source_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_source_new_data *new_data, struct userdata *u) {
char *name;
- struct entry *e;
+ struct perportentry *e;
pa_assert(u->restore_volume || u->restore_muted);
- name = pa_sprintf_malloc("source:%s", new_data->name);
+ name = pa_sprintf_malloc("source:%s:%s", new_data->name, (new_data->active_port ? new_data->active_port : "null"));
- if ((e = entry_read(u, name))) {
+ if ((e = perportentry_read(u, name))) {
if (u->restore_volume && e->volume_valid) {
@@ -691,7 +897,7 @@ static pa_hook_result_t source_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_source_new_da
pa_log_debug("Not restoring mute state for source %s, because already set.", new_data->name);
- entry_free(e);
+ perportentry_free(e);
@@ -702,7 +908,7 @@ static pa_hook_result_t source_fixate_hook_callback(pa_core *c, pa_source_new_da
#define EXT_VERSION 1
static void read_sink_format_reply(struct userdata *u, pa_tagstruct *reply, pa_sink *sink) {
- struct entry *e;
+ struct perportentry *e;
char *name;
@@ -713,8 +919,8 @@ static void read_sink_format_reply(struct userdata *u, pa_tagstruct *reply, pa_s
pa_tagstruct_putu32(reply, sink->index);
/* Read or create an entry */
- name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s", sink->name);
- if (!(e = entry_read(u, name))) {
+ name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s:%s", sink->name, (sink->active_port ? sink->active_port->name : "null"));
+ if (!(e = perportentry_read(u, name))) {
/* Fake a reply with PCM encoding supported */
pa_format_info *f = pa_format_info_new();
@@ -824,7 +1030,7 @@ static int extension_cb(pa_native_protocol *p, pa_module *m, pa_native_connectio
- struct entry *e;
+ struct perportentry *e;
pa_device_type_t type;
uint32_t sink_index;
char *name;
@@ -851,9 +1057,9 @@ static int extension_cb(pa_native_protocol *p, pa_module *m, pa_native_connectio
/* Read or create an entry */
- name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s", sink->name);
- if (!(e = entry_read(u, name)))
- e = entry_new(FALSE);
+ name = pa_sprintf_malloc("sink:%s:%s", sink->name, (sink->active_port ? sink->active_port->name : "null"));
+ if (!(e = perportentry_read(u, name)))
+ e = perportentry_new(FALSE);
else {
/* Clean out any saved formats */
pa_idxset_free(e->formats, (pa_free2_cb_t) pa_format_info_free2, NULL);
@@ -872,18 +1078,18 @@ static int extension_cb(pa_native_protocol *p, pa_module *m, pa_native_connectio
if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) {
- entry_free(e);
+ perportentry_free(e);
goto fail;
- if (pa_sink_set_formats(sink, e->formats) && entry_write(u, name, e))
+ if (pa_sink_set_formats(sink, e->formats) && perportentry_write(u, name, e))
trigger_save(u, type, sink_index);
pa_log_warn("Could not save format info for sink %s", sink->name);
- entry_free(e);
+ perportentry_free(e);
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