[pulseaudio-commits] src/modules

Arun Raghavan arun at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Oct 4 21:28:24 PDT 2011

 src/modules/alsa/alsa-mixer.c |   19 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 42d056593de4bd94bf706c0bd62d05d2aaff77bf
Author: Arun Raghavan <arun.raghavan at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Wed Oct 5 00:58:52 2011 +0530

    alsa: Make mixer error handling more robust still
    Instead of relying on the snd_mixer_* functions failing, we check for
    POLLERR and POLLNVAL first. After this, any errors in handling the mixer
    events are deemed fatal (that is we cause the ALSA source/sink thread to
    The case where POLLERR is set but POLLNVAL is not does not actually
    occur, but we're making this a soft failure (stop polling the mixer, but
    don't kill the I/O thread). If other conditions where POLLERR occurs
    turn up, we need to handle them explicitly.
    Thanks to Linus Torvalds for helping get this right.

diff --git a/src/modules/alsa/alsa-mixer.c b/src/modules/alsa/alsa-mixer.c
index ebb3b0f..b6cf085 100644
--- a/src/modules/alsa/alsa-mixer.c
+++ b/src/modules/alsa/alsa-mixer.c
@@ -286,15 +286,24 @@ static int rtpoll_work_cb(pa_rtpoll_item *i) {
     if (revents) {
+        if (revents & (POLLNVAL | POLLERR)) {
+            pa_log_debug("Device disconnected, stopping poll on mixer");
+            goto fail;
+        } else if (revents & POLLERR) {
+            /* This shouldn't happen. */
+            pa_log_error("Got a POLLERR (revents = %04x), stopping poll on mixer", revents);
+            goto fail;
+        }
         err = snd_mixer_handle_events(pd->mixer);
-        if (PA_UNLIKELY(err == -ENODEV)) {
-            /* The card has been disconnected, stop polling */
-            goto fail;
-        } else {
-            /* Success, or at least an error we're likely to recover from */
+        if (PA_LIKELY(err >= 0)) {
             pa_alsa_set_mixer_rtpoll(pd, pd->mixer, pd->rtpoll);
+        } else {
+            pa_log_error("Error handling mixer event: %s", pa_alsa_strerror(err));
+            ret = -1;
+            goto fail;

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