[pulseaudio-commits] src/.gitignore src/Makefile.am src/pulsecore src/tests

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sat Jan 21 10:09:30 PST 2012

 src/.gitignore         |    1 
 src/Makefile.am        |    9 -
 src/pulsecore/prioq.c  |  256 -------------------------------------------------
 src/pulsecore/prioq.h  |   62 -----------
 src/tests/prioq-test.c |   47 --------
 5 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 374 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 6450ac2e6ace98cb8f8e577b06735241d6d43a31
Author: Maarten Bosmans <mkbosmans at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 18 10:19:34 2011 +0100

    Remove pa_prioq priority queue implementation

diff --git a/src/.gitignore b/src/.gitignore
index 4a66969..cbde067 100644
--- a/src/.gitignore
+++ b/src/.gitignore
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ mix-test
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 02635fa..521bf50 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -238,8 +238,7 @@ TESTS_default = \
 		volume-test \
 		mix-test \
 		proplist-test \
-		lock-autospawn-test \
-		prioq-test
+		lock-autospawn-test
 TESTS_norun = \
 		mcalign-test \
@@ -493,11 +492,6 @@ lock_autospawn_test_LDADD = $(AM_LDADD) libpulsecore- at PA_MAJORMINOR@.la libpulse
 lock_autospawn_test_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
 lock_autospawn_test_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(BINLDFLAGS)
-prioq_test_SOURCES = tests/prioq-test.c
-prioq_test_LDADD = $(AM_LDADD) libpulsecore- at PA_MAJORMINOR@.la libpulse.la libpulsecommon- at PA_MAJORMINOR@.la
-prioq_test_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
 sigbus_test_SOURCES = tests/sigbus-test.c
 sigbus_test_LDADD = $(AM_LDADD) libpulsecore- at PA_MAJORMINOR@.la libpulse.la libpulsecommon- at PA_MAJORMINOR@.la
 sigbus_test_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
@@ -584,7 +578,6 @@ libpulsecommon_ at PA_MAJORMINOR@_la_SOURCES = \
 		pulsecore/pid.c pulsecore/pid.h \
 		pulsecore/pipe.c pulsecore/pipe.h \
 		pulsecore/poll.c pulsecore/poll.h \
-		pulsecore/prioq.c pulsecore/prioq.h \
 		pulsecore/memtrap.c pulsecore/memtrap.h \
 		pulsecore/aupdate.c pulsecore/aupdate.h \
 		pulsecore/proplist-util.c pulsecore/proplist-util.h \
diff --git a/src/pulsecore/prioq.c b/src/pulsecore/prioq.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 983db0f..0000000
--- a/src/pulsecore/prioq.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-  This file is part of PulseAudio.
-  Copyright 2008 Lennart Poettering
-  PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
-  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
-  or (at your option) any later version.
-  PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-  along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
-  USA.
-#include <config.h>
-#include <pulse/xmalloc.h>
-#include <pulsecore/flist.h>
-#include "prioq.h"
-struct pa_prioq_item {
-    void *value;
-    unsigned idx;
-struct pa_prioq {
-    pa_prioq_item **items;
-    unsigned n_items;
-    unsigned n_allocated;
-    pa_compare_func_t compare_func;
-PA_STATIC_FLIST_DECLARE(items, 0, pa_xfree);
-pa_prioq *pa_prioq_new(pa_compare_func_t compare_func) {
-    pa_prioq *q;
-    q = pa_xnew(pa_prioq, 1);
-    q->compare_func = compare_func;
-    q->n_items = 0;
-    q->n_allocated = 64;
-    q->items = pa_xnew(pa_prioq_item*, q->n_allocated);
-    return q;
-void pa_prioq_free(pa_prioq *q, pa_free2_cb_t free_cb, void *userdata) {
-    pa_prioq_item **i, **e;
-    pa_assert(q);
-    for (i = q->items, e = q->items + q->n_items; i < e; i++) {
-        if (!*i)
-            continue;
-        if (free_cb)
-            free_cb((*i)->value, userdata);
-        pa_xfree(*i);
-    }
-    pa_xfree(q->items);
-    pa_xfree(q);
-static void shuffle_up(pa_prioq *q, pa_prioq_item *i) {
-    unsigned j;
-    pa_assert(q);
-    pa_assert(i);
-    j = i->idx;
-    while (j > 0) {
-        unsigned k;
-        k = (j-1)/2;
-        if (q->compare_func(q->items[k]->value, i->value) < 0)
-            break;
-        q->items[k]->idx = j;
-        q->items[j] = q->items[k];
-        j = k;
-    }
-    i->idx = j;
-    q->items[j] = i;
-pa_prioq_item* pa_prioq_put(pa_prioq *q, void *p) {
-    pa_prioq_item *i;
-    pa_assert(q);
-    if (q->n_items >= q->n_allocated) {
-        q->n_allocated = PA_MAX(q->n_items+1, q->n_allocated)*2;
-        q->items = pa_xrealloc(q->items, sizeof(pa_prioq_item*) * q->n_allocated);
-    }
-    if (!(i = pa_flist_pop(PA_STATIC_FLIST_GET(items))))
-        i = pa_xnew(pa_prioq_item, 1);
-    i->value = p;
-    i->idx = q->n_items++;
-    shuffle_up(q, i);
-    return i;
-void* pa_prioq_peek(pa_prioq *q) {
-    pa_assert(q);
-    if (q->n_items <= 0)
-        return NULL;
-    return q->items[0]->value;
-void* pa_prioq_pop(pa_prioq *q){
-    pa_assert(q);
-    if (q->n_items <= 0)
-        return NULL;
-    return pa_prioq_remove(q, q->items[0]);
-static void swap(pa_prioq *q, unsigned j, unsigned k) {
-    pa_prioq_item *t;
-    pa_assert(q);
-    pa_assert(j < q->n_items);
-    pa_assert(k < q->n_items);
-    pa_assert(q->items[j]->idx == j);
-    pa_assert(q->items[k]->idx == k);
-    t = q->items[j];
-    q->items[j]->idx = k;
-    q->items[j] = q->items[k];
-    q->items[k]->idx = j;
-    q->items[k] = t;
-static void shuffle_down(pa_prioq *q, unsigned idx) {
-    pa_assert(q);
-    pa_assert(idx < q->n_items);
-    for (;;) {
-        unsigned j, k, s;
-        k = (idx+1)*2; /* right child */
-        j = k-1;       /* left child */
-        if (j >= q->n_items)
-            break;
-        if (q->compare_func(q->items[j]->value, q->items[idx]->value) < 0)
-            /* So our left child is smaller than we are, let's
-             * remember this fact */
-            s = j;
-        else
-            s = idx;
-        if (k < q->n_items &&
-            q->compare_func(q->items[k]->value, q->items[s]->value) < 0)
-            /* So our right child is smaller than we are, let's
-             * remember this fact */
-            s = k;
-        /* s now points to the smallest of the three items */
-        if (s == idx)
-            /* No swap necessary, we're done */
-            break;
-        swap(q, idx, s);
-        idx = s;
-    }
-void* pa_prioq_remove(pa_prioq *q, pa_prioq_item *i) {
-    void *p;
-    pa_assert(q);
-    pa_assert(i);
-    pa_assert(q->n_items >= 1);
-    p = i->value;
-    if (q->n_items-1 == i->idx) {
-        /* We are the last entry, so let's just remove us and good */
-        q->n_items--;
-    } else {
-        /* We are not the last entry, we need to replace ourselves
-         * with the last node and reshuffle */
-        q->items[i->idx] = q->items[q->n_items-1];
-        q->items[i->idx]->idx = i->idx;
-        q->n_items--;
-        shuffle_down(q, i->idx);
-    }
-    if (pa_flist_push(PA_STATIC_FLIST_GET(items), i) < 0)
-        pa_xfree(i);
-    return p;
-unsigned pa_prioq_size(pa_prioq *q) {
-    pa_assert(q);
-    return q->n_items;
-pa_bool_t pa_prioq_isempty(pa_prioq *q) {
-    pa_assert(q);
-    return q->n_items == 0;
-void pa_prioq_reshuffle(pa_prioq *q, pa_prioq_item *i) {
-    pa_assert(q);
-    pa_assert(i);
-    /* This will move the entry down as far as necessary */
-    shuffle_down(q, i->idx);
-    /* And this will move the entry up as far as necessary */
-    shuffle_up(q, i);
diff --git a/src/pulsecore/prioq.h b/src/pulsecore/prioq.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c2cdf..0000000
--- a/src/pulsecore/prioq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef foopulsecoreprioqhfoo
-#define foopulsecoreprioqhfoo
-  This file is part of PulseAudio.
-  Copyright 2008 Lennart Poettering
-  PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
-  License, or (at your option) any later version.
-  PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  Lesser General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-  License along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
-  USA.
-#include <pulsecore/macro.h>
-#include <pulsecore/idxset.h>
-/* A heap-based priority queue. Removal and insertion is O(log
- * n). Removal can happen a the top or at any position referenced by a
- * pa_prioq_item.  */
-typedef struct pa_prioq pa_prioq;
-typedef struct pa_prioq_item pa_prioq_item;
-/* Instantiate a new prioq with the specified comparison functions */
-pa_prioq* pa_prioq_new(pa_compare_func_t compare_func);
-/* Free the prioq. When the prioq is not empty the specified function is called for every entry contained */
-void pa_prioq_free(pa_prioq *q, pa_free2_cb_t free_cb, void *userdata);
-/* Store a new item in the prioq. */
-pa_prioq_item* pa_prioq_put(pa_prioq *q, void* data);
-/* Get the item on the top of the queue, but don't remove it from the queue*/
-void* pa_prioq_peek(pa_prioq*q);
-/* Get the item on the top of the queue, and remove it from the queue */
-void* pa_prioq_pop(pa_prioq*q);
-/* Remove an arbitrary from the prioq, returning it's data */
-void* pa_prioq_remove(pa_prioq*q, pa_prioq_item *i);
-/* The priority of an item was modified. Adjust the queue to that */
-void pa_prioq_reshuffle(pa_prioq *q, pa_prioq_item *i);
-/* Return the current number of items in the prioq */
-unsigned pa_prioq_size(pa_prioq*s);
-/* Return TRUE of the prioq is empty */
-pa_bool_t pa_prioq_isempty(pa_prioq *s);
diff --git a/src/tests/prioq-test.c b/src/tests/prioq-test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bbcc92a..0000000
--- a/src/tests/prioq-test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#include <config.h>
-#include <pulsecore/prioq.h>
-#include <pulsecore/log.h>
-#include <pulsecore/macro.h>
-#define N 1024
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-    pa_prioq *q;
-    unsigned i;
-    srand(0);
-    if (!getenv("MAKE_CHECK"))
-        pa_log_set_level(PA_LOG_DEBUG);
-    q = pa_prioq_new(pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func);
-    /* Fill in 1024 */
-    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
-        pa_prioq_put(q, PA_UINT_TO_PTR((unsigned) rand()));
-    /* Remove half of it again */
-    for (i = 0; i < N/2; i++){
-        unsigned u = PA_PTR_TO_UINT(pa_prioq_pop(q));
-        pa_log_debug("%16u", u);
-    }
-    pa_log_debug("Refilling");
-    /* Fill in another 1024 */
-    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
-        pa_prioq_put(q, PA_UINT_TO_PTR((unsigned) rand()));
-    /* Remove everything */
-    while (!pa_prioq_isempty(q)) {
-        unsigned u = PA_PTR_TO_UINT(pa_prioq_pop(q));
-        pa_log_debug("%16u", u);
-    }
-    pa_prioq_free(q, NULL, NULL);
-    return 0;

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