[pulseaudio-commits] [Git][pulseaudio/pulseaudio][master] module-alsa-card: Set a minimum profile priority if it's not set

Tanu Kaskinen gitlab at gitlab.freedesktop.org
Mon Aug 10 11:58:04 UTC 2020

Tanu Kaskinen pushed to branch master at PulseAudio / pulseaudio

dd70c3c5 by Kai-Heng Feng at 2020-08-10T11:52:31+00:00
module-alsa-card: Set a minimum profile priority if it's not set

If the profile is generated from UCM, the priority won't be set so it
stays as 0.

Assume a card has two available profiles, when the selected one becomes
unavailable, module-switch-on-port-available's find_best_profile()
should pick the next available one. However, since the priority is 0,
the "off" profile was chosen instead of the available one.

So let's set the priority to 1 to make profile that is available has
higher priority than "off" profile.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- src/modules/alsa/module-alsa-card.c


@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static void add_profiles(struct userdata *u, pa_hashmap *h, pa_hashmap *ports) {
         uint32_t idx;
         cp = pa_card_profile_new(ap->name, ap->description, sizeof(struct profile_data));
-        cp->priority = ap->priority;
+        cp->priority = ap->priority ? ap->priority : 1;
         cp->input_name = pa_xstrdup(ap->input_name);
         cp->output_name = pa_xstrdup(ap->output_name);

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/-/commit/dd70c3c5890ce27b9ba4bd041dea4a01c3e1fc0f

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/-/commit/dd70c3c5890ce27b9ba4bd041dea4a01c3e1fc0f
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