[pulseaudio-commits] [Git][pulseaudio/pulseaudio][master] thread-mainloop: Extend the locking documentation a bit

Tanu Kaskinen gitlab at gitlab.freedesktop.org
Wed May 27 06:48:39 UTC 2020

Tanu Kaskinen pushed to branch master at PulseAudio / pulseaudio

3dc525df by Tanu Kaskinen at 2020-05-27T09:41:40+03:00
thread-mainloop: Extend the locking documentation a bit

Make it more clear which objects require locking. I remember talking to
multiple people for whom that wasn't immediately clear from the

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- src/pulse/thread-mainloop.h


@@ -66,9 +66,11 @@ PA_C_DECL_BEGIN
  * number of times you called pa_threaded_mainloop_lock().
  * The lock needs to be held whenever you call any PulseAudio function that
- * uses an object associated with this main loop. Make sure you do not hold
- * on to the lock more than necessary though, as the threaded main loop stops
- * while the lock is held.
+ * uses an object associated with this main loop. Those objects include
+ * pa_mainloop, pa_context, pa_stream and pa_operation, and the various event
+ * objects (pa_io_event, pa_time_event, pa_defer_event). Make sure you do not
+ * hold on to the lock more than necessary though, as the threaded main loop
+ * stops while the lock is held.
  * Example:

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