[Git][pulseaudio/webrtc-audio-processing][master] Remove some unused files

Arun Raghavan (@arun) gitlab at gitlab.freedesktop.org
Mon Dec 30 17:58:02 UTC 2024

Arun Raghavan pushed to branch master at PulseAudio / webrtc-audio-processing

ecb88179 by Arun Raghavan at 2024-12-30T12:48:46-05:00
Remove some unused files

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- − webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder.cc
- − webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder.h
- − webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.cc
- − webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.h
- − webrtc/api/call/bitrate_allocation.h
- webrtc/api/meson.build
- − webrtc/api/units/data_rate.cc
- − webrtc/api/units/data_rate.h
- − webrtc/api/units/data_size.cc
- − webrtc/api/units/data_size.h
- webrtc/common_audio/meson.build
- − webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier.cc
- − webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier.h
- − webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier_ooura.cc
- − webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier_ooura.h
- − webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier_openmax.h
- − webrtc/common_audio/window_generator.cc
- − webrtc/common_audio/window_generator.h
- − webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/audio_decoder.h
- − webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/audio_encoder.h
- − webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/cng/webrtc_cng.h
- − webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/audio_decoder_isac_t.h
- − webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/audio_decoder_isac_t_impl.h
- − webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/audio_encoder_isac_t.h
- − webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/audio_encoder_isac_t_impl.h
- − webrtc/rtc_base/ignore_wundef.h
- webrtc/rtc_base/meson.build
- − webrtc/rtc_base/synchronization/yield.cc
- − webrtc/rtc_base/synchronization/yield.h
- − webrtc/rtc_base/system/unused.h


webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder.cc deleted
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder.h"
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <memory>
-#include <optional>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "api/array_view.h"
-#include "rtc_base/buffer.h"
-#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
-#include "rtc_base/sanitizer.h"
-#include "rtc_base/trace_event.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-namespace {
-class OldStyleEncodedFrame final : public AudioDecoder::EncodedAudioFrame {
- public:
-  OldStyleEncodedFrame(AudioDecoder* decoder, rtc::Buffer&& payload)
-      : decoder_(decoder), payload_(std::move(payload)) {}
-  size_t Duration() const override {
-    const int ret = decoder_->PacketDuration(payload_.data(), payload_.size());
-    return ret < 0 ? 0 : static_cast<size_t>(ret);
-  }
-  std::optional<DecodeResult> Decode(
-      rtc::ArrayView<int16_t> decoded) const override {
-    auto speech_type = AudioDecoder::kSpeech;
-    const int ret = decoder_->Decode(
-        payload_.data(), payload_.size(), decoder_->SampleRateHz(),
-        decoded.size() * sizeof(int16_t), decoded.data(), &speech_type);
-    return ret < 0 ? std::nullopt
-                   : std::optional<DecodeResult>(
-                         {static_cast<size_t>(ret), speech_type});
-  }
- private:
-  AudioDecoder* const decoder_;
-  const rtc::Buffer payload_;
-}  // namespace
-bool AudioDecoder::EncodedAudioFrame::IsDtxPacket() const {
-  return false;
-AudioDecoder::ParseResult::ParseResult() = default;
-AudioDecoder::ParseResult::ParseResult(ParseResult&& b) = default;
-AudioDecoder::ParseResult::ParseResult(uint32_t timestamp,
-                                       int priority,
-                                       std::unique_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> frame)
-    : timestamp(timestamp), priority(priority), frame(std::move(frame)) {
-  RTC_DCHECK_GE(priority, 0);
-AudioDecoder::ParseResult::~ParseResult() = default;
-AudioDecoder::ParseResult& AudioDecoder::ParseResult::operator=(
-    ParseResult&& b) = default;
-std::vector<AudioDecoder::ParseResult> AudioDecoder::ParsePayload(
-    rtc::Buffer&& payload,
-    uint32_t timestamp) {
-  std::vector<ParseResult> results;
-  std::unique_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> frame(
-      new OldStyleEncodedFrame(this, std::move(payload)));
-  results.emplace_back(timestamp, 0, std::move(frame));
-  return results;
-int AudioDecoder::Decode(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                         size_t encoded_len,
-                         int sample_rate_hz,
-                         size_t max_decoded_bytes,
-                         int16_t* decoded,
-                         SpeechType* speech_type) {
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioDecoder::Decode");
-  rtc::MsanCheckInitialized(rtc::MakeArrayView(encoded, encoded_len));
-  int duration = PacketDuration(encoded, encoded_len);
-  if (duration >= 0 &&
-      duration * Channels() * sizeof(int16_t) > max_decoded_bytes) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return DecodeInternal(encoded, encoded_len, sample_rate_hz, decoded,
-                        speech_type);
-int AudioDecoder::DecodeRedundant(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                                  size_t encoded_len,
-                                  int sample_rate_hz,
-                                  size_t max_decoded_bytes,
-                                  int16_t* decoded,
-                                  SpeechType* speech_type) {
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioDecoder::DecodeRedundant");
-  rtc::MsanCheckInitialized(rtc::MakeArrayView(encoded, encoded_len));
-  int duration = PacketDurationRedundant(encoded, encoded_len);
-  if (duration >= 0 &&
-      duration * Channels() * sizeof(int16_t) > max_decoded_bytes) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return DecodeRedundantInternal(encoded, encoded_len, sample_rate_hz, decoded,
-                                 speech_type);
-int AudioDecoder::DecodeRedundantInternal(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                                          size_t encoded_len,
-                                          int sample_rate_hz,
-                                          int16_t* decoded,
-                                          SpeechType* speech_type) {
-  return DecodeInternal(encoded, encoded_len, sample_rate_hz, decoded,
-                        speech_type);
-bool AudioDecoder::HasDecodePlc() const {
-  return false;
-size_t AudioDecoder::DecodePlc(size_t num_frames, int16_t* decoded) {
-  return 0;
-// TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9676): Remove default implementation.
-void AudioDecoder::GeneratePlc(size_t /*requested_samples_per_channel*/,
-                               rtc::BufferT<int16_t>* /*concealment_audio*/) {}
-int AudioDecoder::ErrorCode() {
-  return 0;
-int AudioDecoder::PacketDuration(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                                 size_t encoded_len) const {
-  return kNotImplemented;
-int AudioDecoder::PacketDurationRedundant(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                                          size_t encoded_len) const {
-  return kNotImplemented;
-bool AudioDecoder::PacketHasFec(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                                size_t encoded_len) const {
-  return false;
-AudioDecoder::SpeechType AudioDecoder::ConvertSpeechType(int16_t type) {
-  switch (type) {
-    case 0:  // TODO(hlundin): Both iSAC and Opus return 0 for speech.
-    case 1:
-      return kSpeech;
-    case 2:
-      return kComfortNoise;
-    default:
-      return kSpeech;
-  }
-constexpr int AudioDecoder::kMaxNumberOfChannels;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder.h deleted
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <optional>
-#include <vector>
-#include "api/array_view.h"
-#include "rtc_base/buffer.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-class AudioDecoder {
- public:
-  enum SpeechType {
-    kSpeech = 1,
-    kComfortNoise = 2,
-  };
-  // Used by PacketDuration below. Save the value -1 for errors.
-  enum { kNotImplemented = -2 };
-  AudioDecoder() = default;
-  virtual ~AudioDecoder() = default;
-  AudioDecoder(const AudioDecoder&) = delete;
-  AudioDecoder& operator=(const AudioDecoder&) = delete;
-  class EncodedAudioFrame {
-   public:
-    struct DecodeResult {
-      size_t num_decoded_samples;
-      SpeechType speech_type;
-    };
-    virtual ~EncodedAudioFrame() = default;
-    // Returns the duration in samples-per-channel of this audio frame.
-    // If no duration can be ascertained, returns zero.
-    virtual size_t Duration() const = 0;
-    // Returns true if this packet contains DTX.
-    virtual bool IsDtxPacket() const;
-    // Decodes this frame of audio and writes the result in `decoded`.
-    // `decoded` must be large enough to store as many samples as indicated by a
-    // call to Duration() . On success, returns an std::optional containing the
-    // total number of samples across all channels, as well as whether the
-    // decoder produced comfort noise or speech. On failure, returns an empty
-    // std::optional. Decode may be called at most once per frame object.
-    virtual std::optional<DecodeResult> Decode(
-        rtc::ArrayView<int16_t> decoded) const = 0;
-  };
-  struct ParseResult {
-    ParseResult();
-    ParseResult(uint32_t timestamp,
-                int priority,
-                std::unique_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> frame);
-    ParseResult(ParseResult&& b);
-    ~ParseResult();
-    ParseResult& operator=(ParseResult&& b);
-    // The timestamp of the frame is in samples per channel.
-    uint32_t timestamp;
-    // The relative priority of the frame compared to other frames of the same
-    // payload and the same timeframe. A higher value means a lower priority.
-    // The highest priority is zero - negative values are not allowed.
-    int priority;
-    std::unique_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> frame;
-  };
-  // Let the decoder parse this payload and prepare zero or more decodable
-  // frames. Each frame must be between 10 ms and 120 ms long. The caller must
-  // ensure that the AudioDecoder object outlives any frame objects returned by
-  // this call. The decoder is free to swap or move the data from the `payload`
-  // buffer. `timestamp` is the input timestamp, in samples, corresponding to
-  // the start of the payload.
-  virtual std::vector<ParseResult> ParsePayload(rtc::Buffer&& payload,
-                                                uint32_t timestamp);
-  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/10098): The Decode and DecodeRedundant methods are
-  // obsolete; callers should call ParsePayload instead. For now, subclasses
-  // must still implement DecodeInternal.
-  // Decodes `encode_len` bytes from `encoded` and writes the result in
-  // `decoded`. The maximum bytes allowed to be written into `decoded` is
-  // `max_decoded_bytes`. Returns the total number of samples across all
-  // channels. If the decoder produced comfort noise, `speech_type`
-  // is set to kComfortNoise, otherwise it is kSpeech. The desired output
-  // sample rate is provided in `sample_rate_hz`, which must be valid for the
-  // codec at hand.
-  int Decode(const uint8_t* encoded,
-             size_t encoded_len,
-             int sample_rate_hz,
-             size_t max_decoded_bytes,
-             int16_t* decoded,
-             SpeechType* speech_type);
-  // Same as Decode(), but interfaces to the decoders redundant decode function.
-  // The default implementation simply calls the regular Decode() method.
-  int DecodeRedundant(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                      size_t encoded_len,
-                      int sample_rate_hz,
-                      size_t max_decoded_bytes,
-                      int16_t* decoded,
-                      SpeechType* speech_type);
-  // Indicates if the decoder implements the DecodePlc method.
-  virtual bool HasDecodePlc() const;
-  // Calls the packet-loss concealment of the decoder to update the state after
-  // one or several lost packets. The caller has to make sure that the
-  // memory allocated in `decoded` should accommodate `num_frames` frames.
-  virtual size_t DecodePlc(size_t num_frames, int16_t* decoded);
-  // Asks the decoder to generate packet-loss concealment and append it to the
-  // end of `concealment_audio`. The concealment audio should be in
-  // channel-interleaved format, with as many channels as the last decoded
-  // packet produced. The implementation must produce at least
-  // requested_samples_per_channel, or nothing at all. This is a signal to the
-  // caller to conceal the loss with other means. If the implementation provides
-  // concealment samples, it is also responsible for "stitching" it together
-  // with the decoded audio on either side of the concealment.
-  // Note: The default implementation of GeneratePlc will be deleted soon. All
-  // implementations must provide their own, which can be a simple as a no-op.
-  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9676): Remove default implementation.
-  virtual void GeneratePlc(size_t requested_samples_per_channel,
-                           rtc::BufferT<int16_t>* concealment_audio);
-  // Resets the decoder state (empty buffers etc.).
-  virtual void Reset() = 0;
-  // Returns the last error code from the decoder.
-  virtual int ErrorCode();
-  // Returns the duration in samples-per-channel of the payload in `encoded`
-  // which is `encoded_len` bytes long. Returns kNotImplemented if no duration
-  // estimate is available, or -1 in case of an error.
-  virtual int PacketDuration(const uint8_t* encoded, size_t encoded_len) const;
-  // Returns the duration in samples-per-channel of the redandant payload in
-  // `encoded` which is `encoded_len` bytes long. Returns kNotImplemented if no
-  // duration estimate is available, or -1 in case of an error.
-  virtual int PacketDurationRedundant(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                                      size_t encoded_len) const;
-  // Detects whether a packet has forward error correction. The packet is
-  // comprised of the samples in `encoded` which is `encoded_len` bytes long.
-  // Returns true if the packet has FEC and false otherwise.
-  virtual bool PacketHasFec(const uint8_t* encoded, size_t encoded_len) const;
-  // Returns the actual sample rate of the decoder's output. This value may not
-  // change during the lifetime of the decoder.
-  virtual int SampleRateHz() const = 0;
-  // The number of channels in the decoder's output. This value may not change
-  // during the lifetime of the decoder.
-  virtual size_t Channels() const = 0;
-  // The maximum number of audio channels supported by WebRTC decoders.
-  static constexpr int kMaxNumberOfChannels = 24;
- protected:
-  static SpeechType ConvertSpeechType(int16_t type);
-  virtual int DecodeInternal(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                             size_t encoded_len,
-                             int sample_rate_hz,
-                             int16_t* decoded,
-                             SpeechType* speech_type) = 0;
-  virtual int DecodeRedundantInternal(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                                      size_t encoded_len,
-                                      int sample_rate_hz,
-                                      int16_t* decoded,
-                                      SpeechType* speech_type);
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.cc deleted
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.h"
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <memory>
-#include <optional>
-#include <string>
-#include "api/array_view.h"
-#include "api/call/bitrate_allocation.h"
-#include "rtc_base/buffer.h"
-#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
-#include "rtc_base/trace_event.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-ANAStats::ANAStats() = default;
-ANAStats::~ANAStats() = default;
-ANAStats::ANAStats(const ANAStats&) = default;
-AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo::EncodedInfo() = default;
-AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo::EncodedInfo(const EncodedInfo&) = default;
-AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo::EncodedInfo(EncodedInfo&&) = default;
-AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo::~EncodedInfo() = default;
-AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo& AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo::operator=(
-    const EncodedInfo&) = default;
-AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo& AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo::operator=(EncodedInfo&&) =
-    default;
-int AudioEncoder::RtpTimestampRateHz() const {
-  return SampleRateHz();
-AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo AudioEncoder::Encode(
-    uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
-    rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
-    rtc::Buffer* encoded) {
-  TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioEncoder::Encode");
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(audio.size(),
-               static_cast<size_t>(NumChannels() * SampleRateHz() / 100));
-  const size_t old_size = encoded->size();
-  EncodedInfo info = EncodeImpl(rtp_timestamp, audio, encoded);
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(encoded->size() - old_size, info.encoded_bytes);
-  return info;
-bool AudioEncoder::SetFec(bool enable) {
-  return !enable;
-bool AudioEncoder::SetDtx(bool enable) {
-  return !enable;
-bool AudioEncoder::GetDtx() const {
-  return false;
-bool AudioEncoder::SetApplication(Application application) {
-  return false;
-void AudioEncoder::SetMaxPlaybackRate(int frequency_hz) {}
-void AudioEncoder::SetTargetBitrate(int target_bps) {}
-AudioEncoder::ReclaimContainedEncoders() {
-  return nullptr;
-bool AudioEncoder::EnableAudioNetworkAdaptor(const std::string& config_string,
-                                             RtcEventLog* event_log) {
-  return false;
-void AudioEncoder::DisableAudioNetworkAdaptor() {}
-void AudioEncoder::OnReceivedUplinkPacketLossFraction(
-    float uplink_packet_loss_fraction) {}
-void AudioEncoder::OnReceivedUplinkRecoverablePacketLossFraction(
-    float uplink_recoverable_packet_loss_fraction) {
-void AudioEncoder::OnReceivedTargetAudioBitrate(int target_audio_bitrate_bps) {
-  OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(target_audio_bitrate_bps, std::nullopt);
-void AudioEncoder::OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(
-    int target_audio_bitrate_bps,
-    std::optional<int64_t> bwe_period_ms) {}
-void AudioEncoder::OnReceivedUplinkAllocation(BitrateAllocationUpdate update) {
-  OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(update.target_bitrate.bps(),
-                            update.bwe_period.ms());
-void AudioEncoder::OnReceivedRtt(int rtt_ms) {}
-void AudioEncoder::OnReceivedOverhead(size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet) {}
-void AudioEncoder::SetReceiverFrameLengthRange(int min_frame_length_ms,
-                                               int max_frame_length_ms) {}
-ANAStats AudioEncoder::GetANAStats() const {
-  return ANAStats();
-constexpr int AudioEncoder::kMaxNumberOfChannels;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.h deleted
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <optional>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
-#include "api/array_view.h"
-#include "api/call/bitrate_allocation.h"
-#include "api/units/data_rate.h"
-#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
-#include "rtc_base/buffer.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-class RtcEventLog;
-// Statistics related to Audio Network Adaptation.
-struct ANAStats {
-  ANAStats();
-  ANAStats(const ANAStats&);
-  ~ANAStats();
-  // Number of actions taken by the ANA bitrate controller since the start of
-  // the call. If this value is not set, it indicates that the bitrate
-  // controller is disabled.
-  std::optional<uint32_t> bitrate_action_counter;
-  // Number of actions taken by the ANA channel controller since the start of
-  // the call. If this value is not set, it indicates that the channel
-  // controller is disabled.
-  std::optional<uint32_t> channel_action_counter;
-  // Number of actions taken by the ANA DTX controller since the start of the
-  // call. If this value is not set, it indicates that the DTX controller is
-  // disabled.
-  std::optional<uint32_t> dtx_action_counter;
-  // Number of actions taken by the ANA FEC controller since the start of the
-  // call. If this value is not set, it indicates that the FEC controller is
-  // disabled.
-  std::optional<uint32_t> fec_action_counter;
-  // Number of times the ANA frame length controller decided to increase the
-  // frame length since the start of the call. If this value is not set, it
-  // indicates that the frame length controller is disabled.
-  std::optional<uint32_t> frame_length_increase_counter;
-  // Number of times the ANA frame length controller decided to decrease the
-  // frame length since the start of the call. If this value is not set, it
-  // indicates that the frame length controller is disabled.
-  std::optional<uint32_t> frame_length_decrease_counter;
-  // The uplink packet loss fractions as set by the ANA FEC controller. If this
-  // value is not set, it indicates that the ANA FEC controller is not active.
-  std::optional<float> uplink_packet_loss_fraction;
-// This is the interface class for encoders in AudioCoding module. Each codec
-// type must have an implementation of this class.
-class AudioEncoder {
- public:
-  // Used for UMA logging of codec usage. The same codecs, with the
-  // same values, must be listed in
-  // src/tools/metrics/histograms/histograms.xml in chromium to log
-  // correct values.
-  enum class CodecType {
-    kOther = 0,  // Codec not specified, and/or not listed in this enum
-    kOpus = 1,
-    kIsac = 2,
-    kPcmA = 3,
-    kPcmU = 4,
-    kG722 = 5,
-    kIlbc = 6,
-    // Number of histogram bins in the UMA logging of codec types. The
-    // total number of different codecs that are logged cannot exceed this
-    // number.
-    kMaxLoggedAudioCodecTypes
-  };
-  struct EncodedInfoLeaf {
-    size_t encoded_bytes = 0;
-    uint32_t encoded_timestamp = 0;
-    int payload_type = 0;
-    bool send_even_if_empty = false;
-    bool speech = true;
-    CodecType encoder_type = CodecType::kOther;
-  };
-  // This is the main struct for auxiliary encoding information. Each encoded
-  // packet should be accompanied by one EncodedInfo struct, containing the
-  // total number of `encoded_bytes`, the `encoded_timestamp` and the
-  // `payload_type`. If the packet contains redundant encodings, the `redundant`
-  // vector will be populated with EncodedInfoLeaf structs. Each struct in the
-  // vector represents one encoding; the order of structs in the vector is the
-  // same as the order in which the actual payloads are written to the byte
-  // stream. When EncoderInfoLeaf structs are present in the vector, the main
-  // struct's `encoded_bytes` will be the sum of all the `encoded_bytes` in the
-  // vector.
-  struct EncodedInfo : public EncodedInfoLeaf {
-    EncodedInfo();
-    EncodedInfo(const EncodedInfo&);
-    EncodedInfo(EncodedInfo&&);
-    ~EncodedInfo();
-    EncodedInfo& operator=(const EncodedInfo&);
-    EncodedInfo& operator=(EncodedInfo&&);
-    std::vector<EncodedInfoLeaf> redundant;
-  };
-  virtual ~AudioEncoder() = default;
-  // Returns the input sample rate in Hz and the number of input channels.
-  // These are constants set at instantiation time.
-  virtual int SampleRateHz() const = 0;
-  virtual size_t NumChannels() const = 0;
-  // Returns the rate at which the RTP timestamps are updated. The default
-  // implementation returns SampleRateHz().
-  virtual int RtpTimestampRateHz() const;
-  // Returns the number of 10 ms frames the encoder will put in the next
-  // packet. This value may only change when Encode() outputs a packet; i.e.,
-  // the encoder may vary the number of 10 ms frames from packet to packet, but
-  // it must decide the length of the next packet no later than when outputting
-  // the preceding packet.
-  virtual size_t Num10MsFramesInNextPacket() const = 0;
-  // Returns the maximum value that can be returned by
-  // Num10MsFramesInNextPacket().
-  virtual size_t Max10MsFramesInAPacket() const = 0;
-  // Returns the current target bitrate in bits/s. The value -1 means that the
-  // codec adapts the target automatically, and a current target cannot be
-  // provided.
-  virtual int GetTargetBitrate() const = 0;
-  // Accepts one 10 ms block of input audio (i.e., SampleRateHz() / 100 *
-  // NumChannels() samples). Multi-channel audio must be sample-interleaved.
-  // The encoder appends zero or more bytes of output to `encoded` and returns
-  // additional encoding information.  Encode() checks some preconditions, calls
-  // EncodeImpl() which does the actual work, and then checks some
-  // postconditions.
-  EncodedInfo Encode(uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
-                     rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
-                     rtc::Buffer* encoded);
-  // Resets the encoder to its starting state, discarding any input that has
-  // been fed to the encoder but not yet emitted in a packet.
-  virtual void Reset() = 0;
-  // Enables or disables codec-internal FEC (forward error correction). Returns
-  // true if the codec was able to comply. The default implementation returns
-  // true when asked to disable FEC and false when asked to enable it (meaning
-  // that FEC isn't supported).
-  virtual bool SetFec(bool enable);
-  // Enables or disables codec-internal VAD/DTX. Returns true if the codec was
-  // able to comply. The default implementation returns true when asked to
-  // disable DTX and false when asked to enable it (meaning that DTX isn't
-  // supported).
-  virtual bool SetDtx(bool enable);
-  // Returns the status of codec-internal DTX. The default implementation always
-  // returns false.
-  virtual bool GetDtx() const;
-  // Sets the application mode. Returns true if the codec was able to comply.
-  // The default implementation just returns false.
-  enum class Application { kSpeech, kAudio };
-  virtual bool SetApplication(Application application);
-  // Tells the encoder about the highest sample rate the decoder is expected to
-  // use when decoding the bitstream. The encoder would typically use this
-  // information to adjust the quality of the encoding. The default
-  // implementation does nothing.
-  virtual void SetMaxPlaybackRate(int frequency_hz);
-  // Tells the encoder what average bitrate we'd like it to produce. The
-  // encoder is free to adjust or disregard the given bitrate (the default
-  // implementation does the latter).
-  ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use OnReceivedTargetAudioBitrate instead")
-  virtual void SetTargetBitrate(int target_bps);
-  // Causes this encoder to let go of any other encoders it contains, and
-  // returns a pointer to an array where they are stored (which is required to
-  // live as long as this encoder). Unless the returned array is empty, you may
-  // not call any methods on this encoder afterwards, except for the
-  // destructor. The default implementation just returns an empty array.
-  // NOTE: This method is subject to change. Do not call or override it.
-  virtual rtc::ArrayView<std::unique_ptr<AudioEncoder>>
-  ReclaimContainedEncoders();
-  // Enables audio network adaptor. Returns true if successful.
-  virtual bool EnableAudioNetworkAdaptor(const std::string& config_string,
-                                         RtcEventLog* event_log);
-  // Disables audio network adaptor.
-  virtual void DisableAudioNetworkAdaptor();
-  // Provides uplink packet loss fraction to this encoder to allow it to adapt.
-  // `uplink_packet_loss_fraction` is in the range [0.0, 1.0].
-  virtual void OnReceivedUplinkPacketLossFraction(
-      float uplink_packet_loss_fraction);
-  virtual void OnReceivedUplinkRecoverablePacketLossFraction(
-      float uplink_recoverable_packet_loss_fraction);
-  // Provides target audio bitrate to this encoder to allow it to adapt.
-  virtual void OnReceivedTargetAudioBitrate(int target_bps);
-  // Provides target audio bitrate and corresponding probing interval of
-  // the bandwidth estimator to this encoder to allow it to adapt.
-  virtual void OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(int target_audio_bitrate_bps,
-                                         std::optional<int64_t> bwe_period_ms);
-  // Provides target audio bitrate and corresponding probing interval of
-  // the bandwidth estimator to this encoder to allow it to adapt.
-  virtual void OnReceivedUplinkAllocation(BitrateAllocationUpdate update);
-  // Provides RTT to this encoder to allow it to adapt.
-  virtual void OnReceivedRtt(int rtt_ms);
-  // Provides overhead to this encoder to adapt. The overhead is the number of
-  // bytes that will be added to each packet the encoder generates.
-  virtual void OnReceivedOverhead(size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet);
-  // To allow encoder to adapt its frame length, it must be provided the frame
-  // length range that receivers can accept.
-  virtual void SetReceiverFrameLengthRange(int min_frame_length_ms,
-                                           int max_frame_length_ms);
-  // Get statistics related to audio network adaptation.
-  virtual ANAStats GetANAStats() const;
-  // The range of frame lengths that are supported or nullopt if there's no such
-  // information. This is used together with the bitrate range to calculate the
-  // full bitrate range, including overhead.
-  virtual std::optional<std::pair<TimeDelta, TimeDelta>> GetFrameLengthRange()
-      const = 0;
-  // The range of payload bitrates that are supported. This is used together
-  // with the frame length range to calculate the full bitrate range, including
-  // overhead.
-  virtual std::optional<std::pair<DataRate, DataRate>> GetBitrateRange() const {
-    return std::nullopt;
-  }
-  // The maximum number of audio channels supported by WebRTC encoders.
-  static constexpr int kMaxNumberOfChannels = 24;
- protected:
-  // Subclasses implement this to perform the actual encoding. Called by
-  // Encode().
-  virtual EncodedInfo EncodeImpl(uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
-                                 rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
-                                 rtc::Buffer* encoded) = 0;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/api/call/bitrate_allocation.h deleted
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "api/units/data_rate.h"
-#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-// BitrateAllocationUpdate provides information to allocated streams about their
-// bitrate allocation. It originates from the BitrateAllocater class and is
-// propagated from there.
-struct BitrateAllocationUpdate {
-  // The allocated target bitrate. Media streams should produce this amount of
-  // data. (Note that this may include packet overhead depending on
-  // configuration.)
-  DataRate target_bitrate = DataRate::Zero();
-  // The allocated part of the estimated link capacity. This is more stable than
-  // the target as it is based on the underlying link capacity estimate. This
-  // should be used to change encoder configuration when the cost of change is
-  // high.
-  DataRate stable_target_bitrate = DataRate::Zero();
-  // Predicted packet loss ratio.
-  double packet_loss_ratio = 0;
-  // Predicted round trip time.
-  TimeDelta round_trip_time = TimeDelta::PlusInfinity();
-  // `bwe_period` is deprecated, use `stable_target_bitrate` allocation instead.
-  TimeDelta bwe_period = TimeDelta::PlusInfinity();
-  // Congestion window pushback bitrate reduction fraction. Used in
-  // VideoStreamEncoder to reduce the bitrate by the given fraction
-  // by dropping frames.
-  double cwnd_reduce_ratio = 0;
-}  // namespace webrtc

@@ -4,13 +4,9 @@ api_sources = [
-  'audio_codecs/audio_decoder.cc',
-  'audio_codecs/audio_encoder.cc',
-  'units/data_rate.cc',
-  'units/data_size.cc',

webrtc/api/units/data_rate.cc deleted
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "api/units/data_rate.h"
-#include <string>
-#include "api/array_view.h"
-#include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-std::string ToString(DataRate value) {
-  char buf[64];
-  rtc::SimpleStringBuilder sb(buf);
-  if (value.IsPlusInfinity()) {
-    sb << "+inf bps";
-  } else if (value.IsMinusInfinity()) {
-    sb << "-inf bps";
-  } else {
-    if (value.bps() == 0 || value.bps() % 1000 != 0) {
-      sb << value.bps() << " bps";
-    } else {
-      sb << value.kbps() << " kbps";
-    }
-  }
-  return sb.str();
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/api/units/data_rate.h deleted
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <limits>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include "api/units/data_size.h"
-#include "api/units/frequency.h"
-#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
-#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
-#include "rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h"
-#include "rtc_base/units/unit_base.h"  // IWYU pragma: export
-namespace webrtc {
-// DataRate is a class that represents a given data rate. This can be used to
-// represent bandwidth, encoding bitrate, etc. The internal storage is bits per
-// second (bps).
-class DataRate final : public rtc_units_impl::RelativeUnit<DataRate> {
- public:
-  template <typename T>
-  static constexpr DataRate BitsPerSec(T value) {
-    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "");
-    return FromValue(value);
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  static constexpr DataRate BytesPerSec(T value) {
-    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "");
-    return FromFraction(8, value);
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  static constexpr DataRate KilobitsPerSec(T value) {
-    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "");
-    return FromFraction(1000, value);
-  }
-  static constexpr DataRate Infinity() { return PlusInfinity(); }
-  DataRate() = delete;
-  template <typename Sink>
-  friend void AbslStringify(Sink& sink, DataRate value);
-  template <typename T = int64_t>
-  constexpr T bps() const {
-    return ToValue<T>();
-  }
-  template <typename T = int64_t>
-  constexpr T bytes_per_sec() const {
-    return ToFraction<8, T>();
-  }
-  template <typename T = int64_t>
-  constexpr T kbps() const {
-    return ToFraction<1000, T>();
-  }
-  constexpr int64_t bps_or(int64_t fallback_value) const {
-    return ToValueOr(fallback_value);
-  }
-  constexpr int64_t kbps_or(int64_t fallback_value) const {
-    return ToFractionOr<1000>(fallback_value);
-  }
- private:
-  // Bits per second used internally to simplify debugging by making the value
-  // more recognizable.
-  friend class rtc_units_impl::UnitBase<DataRate>;
-  using RelativeUnit::RelativeUnit;
-  static constexpr bool one_sided = true;
-namespace data_rate_impl {
-inline constexpr int64_t Microbits(const DataSize& size) {
-  constexpr int64_t kMaxBeforeConversion =
-      std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() / 8000000;
-  RTC_DCHECK_LE(size.bytes(), kMaxBeforeConversion)
-      << "size is too large to be expressed in microbits";
-  return size.bytes() * 8000000;
-inline constexpr int64_t MillibytePerSec(const DataRate& size) {
-  constexpr int64_t kMaxBeforeConversion =
-      std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() / (1000 / 8);
-  RTC_DCHECK_LE(size.bps(), kMaxBeforeConversion)
-      << "rate is too large to be expressed in microbytes per second";
-  return size.bps() * (1000 / 8);
-}  // namespace data_rate_impl
-inline constexpr DataRate operator/(const DataSize size,
-                                    const TimeDelta duration) {
-  return DataRate::BitsPerSec(data_rate_impl::Microbits(size) / duration.us());
-inline constexpr TimeDelta operator/(const DataSize size, const DataRate rate) {
-  return TimeDelta::Micros(data_rate_impl::Microbits(size) / rate.bps());
-inline constexpr DataSize operator*(const DataRate rate,
-                                    const TimeDelta duration) {
-  int64_t microbits = rate.bps() * duration.us();
-  return DataSize::Bytes((microbits + 4000000) / 8000000);
-inline constexpr DataSize operator*(const TimeDelta duration,
-                                    const DataRate rate) {
-  return rate * duration;
-inline constexpr DataSize operator/(const DataRate rate,
-                                    const Frequency frequency) {
-  int64_t millihertz = frequency.millihertz<int64_t>();
-  // Note that the value is truncated here reather than rounded, potentially
-  // introducing an error of .5 bytes if rounding were expected.
-  return DataSize::Bytes(data_rate_impl::MillibytePerSec(rate) / millihertz);
-inline constexpr Frequency operator/(const DataRate rate, const DataSize size) {
-  return Frequency::MilliHertz(data_rate_impl::MillibytePerSec(rate) /
-                               size.bytes());
-inline constexpr DataRate operator*(const DataSize size,
-                                    const Frequency frequency) {
-  RTC_DCHECK(frequency.IsZero() ||
-             size.bytes() <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() / 8 /
-                                 frequency.millihertz<int64_t>());
-  int64_t millibits_per_second =
-      size.bytes() * 8 * frequency.millihertz<int64_t>();
-  return DataRate::BitsPerSec((millibits_per_second + 500) / 1000);
-inline constexpr DataRate operator*(const Frequency frequency,
-                                    const DataSize size) {
-  return size * frequency;
-RTC_EXPORT std::string ToString(DataRate value);
-inline std::string ToLogString(DataRate value) {
-  return ToString(value);
-template <typename Sink>
-void AbslStringify(Sink& sink, DataRate value) {
-  sink.Append(ToString(value));
-}  // namespace webrtc
-#endif  // API_UNITS_DATA_RATE_H_

webrtc/api/units/data_size.cc deleted
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "api/units/data_size.h"
-#include <string>
-#include "api/array_view.h"
-#include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-std::string ToString(DataSize value) {
-  char buf[64];
-  rtc::SimpleStringBuilder sb(buf);
-  if (value.IsPlusInfinity()) {
-    sb << "+inf bytes";
-  } else if (value.IsMinusInfinity()) {
-    sb << "-inf bytes";
-  } else {
-    sb << value.bytes() << " bytes";
-  }
-  return sb.str();
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/api/units/data_size.h deleted
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include "rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h"
-#include "rtc_base/units/unit_base.h"  // IWYU pragma: export
-namespace webrtc {
-// DataSize is a class represeting a count of bytes.
-class DataSize final : public rtc_units_impl::RelativeUnit<DataSize> {
- public:
-  template <typename T>
-  static constexpr DataSize Bytes(T value) {
-    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "");
-    return FromValue(value);
-  }
-  static constexpr DataSize Infinity() { return PlusInfinity(); }
-  DataSize() = delete;
-  template <typename Sink>
-  friend void AbslStringify(Sink& sink, DataSize value);
-  template <typename T = int64_t>
-  constexpr T bytes() const {
-    return ToValue<T>();
-  }
-  constexpr int64_t bytes_or(int64_t fallback_value) const {
-    return ToValueOr(fallback_value);
-  }
- private:
-  friend class rtc_units_impl::UnitBase<DataSize>;
-  using RelativeUnit::RelativeUnit;
-  static constexpr bool one_sided = true;
-RTC_EXPORT std::string ToString(DataSize value);
-inline std::string ToLogString(DataSize value) {
-  return ToString(value);
-template <typename Sink>
-void AbslStringify(Sink& sink, DataSize value) {
-  sink.Append(ToString(value));
-}  // namespace webrtc
-#endif  // API_UNITS_DATA_SIZE_H_

@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ common_audio_sources = [
-  'real_fourier.cc',
-  'real_fourier_ooura.cc',
@@ -55,7 +53,6 @@ common_audio_sources = [
-  'window_generator.cc',
 arch_libs = []

webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier.cc deleted
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "common_audio/real_fourier.h"
-#include "common_audio/real_fourier_ooura.h"
-#include "common_audio/signal_processing/include/signal_processing_library.h"
-#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-using std::complex;
-const size_t RealFourier::kFftBufferAlignment = 32;
-std::unique_ptr<RealFourier> RealFourier::Create(int fft_order) {
-  return std::unique_ptr<RealFourier>(new RealFourierOoura(fft_order));
-int RealFourier::FftOrder(size_t length) {
-  RTC_CHECK_GT(length, 0U);
-  return WebRtcSpl_GetSizeInBits(static_cast<uint32_t>(length - 1));
-size_t RealFourier::FftLength(int order) {
-  RTC_CHECK_GE(order, 0);
-  return size_t{1} << order;
-size_t RealFourier::ComplexLength(int order) {
-  return FftLength(order) / 2 + 1;
-RealFourier::fft_real_scoper RealFourier::AllocRealBuffer(int count) {
-  return fft_real_scoper(static_cast<float*>(
-      AlignedMalloc(sizeof(float) * count, kFftBufferAlignment)));
-RealFourier::fft_cplx_scoper RealFourier::AllocCplxBuffer(int count) {
-  return fft_cplx_scoper(static_cast<complex<float>*>(
-      AlignedMalloc(sizeof(complex<float>) * count, kFftBufferAlignment)));
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier.h deleted
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <complex>
-#include <memory>
-#include "rtc_base/memory/aligned_malloc.h"
-// Uniform interface class for the real DFT and its inverse, for power-of-2
-// input lengths. Also contains helper functions for buffer allocation, taking
-// care of any memory alignment requirements the underlying library might have.
-namespace webrtc {
-class RealFourier {
- public:
-  // Shorthand typenames for the scopers used by the buffer allocation helpers.
-  typedef std::unique_ptr<float[], AlignedFreeDeleter> fft_real_scoper;
-  typedef std::unique_ptr<std::complex<float>[], AlignedFreeDeleter>
-      fft_cplx_scoper;
-  // The alignment required for all input and output buffers, in bytes.
-  static const size_t kFftBufferAlignment;
-  // Construct a wrapper instance for the given input order, which must be
-  // between 1 and kMaxFftOrder, inclusively.
-  static std::unique_ptr<RealFourier> Create(int fft_order);
-  virtual ~RealFourier() {}
-  // Helper to compute the smallest FFT order (a power of 2) which will contain
-  // the given input length.
-  static int FftOrder(size_t length);
-  // Helper to compute the input length from the FFT order.
-  static size_t FftLength(int order);
-  // Helper to compute the exact length, in complex floats, of the transform
-  // output (i.e. |2^order / 2 + 1|).
-  static size_t ComplexLength(int order);
-  // Buffer allocation helpers. The buffers are large enough to hold `count`
-  // floats/complexes and suitably aligned for use by the implementation.
-  // The returned scopers are set up with proper deleters; the caller owns
-  // the allocated memory.
-  static fft_real_scoper AllocRealBuffer(int count);
-  static fft_cplx_scoper AllocCplxBuffer(int count);
-  // Main forward transform interface. The output array need only be big
-  // enough for |2^order / 2 + 1| elements - the conjugate pairs are not
-  // returned. Input and output must be properly aligned (e.g. through
-  // AllocRealBuffer and AllocCplxBuffer) and input length must be
-  // |2^order| (same as given at construction time).
-  virtual void Forward(const float* src, std::complex<float>* dest) const = 0;
-  // Inverse transform. Same input format as output above, conjugate pairs
-  // not needed.
-  virtual void Inverse(const std::complex<float>* src, float* dest) const = 0;
-  virtual int order() const = 0;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier_ooura.cc deleted
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "common_audio/real_fourier_ooura.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "common_audio/third_party/ooura/fft_size_256/fft4g.h"
-#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-using std::complex;
-namespace {
-void Conjugate(complex<float>* array, size_t complex_length) {
-  std::for_each(array, array + complex_length,
-                [=](complex<float>& v) { v = std::conj(v); });
-size_t ComputeWorkIpSize(size_t fft_length) {
-  return static_cast<size_t>(
-      2 + std::ceil(std::sqrt(static_cast<float>(fft_length))));
-}  // namespace
-RealFourierOoura::RealFourierOoura(int fft_order)
-    : order_(fft_order),
-      length_(FftLength(order_)),
-      complex_length_(ComplexLength(order_)),
-      // Zero-initializing work_ip_ will cause rdft to initialize these work
-      // arrays on the first call.
-      work_ip_(new size_t[ComputeWorkIpSize(length_)]()),
-      work_w_(new float[complex_length_]()) {
-  RTC_CHECK_GE(fft_order, 1);
-RealFourierOoura::~RealFourierOoura() = default;
-void RealFourierOoura::Forward(const float* src, complex<float>* dest) const {
-  {
-    // This cast is well-defined since C++11. See "Non-static data members" at:
-    // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/complex
-    auto* dest_float = reinterpret_cast<float*>(dest);
-    std::copy(src, src + length_, dest_float);
-    WebRtc_rdft(length_, 1, dest_float, work_ip_.get(), work_w_.get());
-  }
-  // Ooura places real[n/2] in imag[0].
-  dest[complex_length_ - 1] = complex<float>(dest[0].imag(), 0.0f);
-  dest[0] = complex<float>(dest[0].real(), 0.0f);
-  // Ooura returns the conjugate of the usual Fourier definition.
-  Conjugate(dest, complex_length_);
-void RealFourierOoura::Inverse(const complex<float>* src, float* dest) const {
-  {
-    auto* dest_complex = reinterpret_cast<complex<float>*>(dest);
-    // The real output array is shorter than the input complex array by one
-    // complex element.
-    const size_t dest_complex_length = complex_length_ - 1;
-    std::copy(src, src + dest_complex_length, dest_complex);
-    // Restore Ooura's conjugate definition.
-    Conjugate(dest_complex, dest_complex_length);
-    // Restore real[n/2] to imag[0].
-    dest_complex[0] =
-        complex<float>(dest_complex[0].real(), src[complex_length_ - 1].real());
-  }
-  WebRtc_rdft(length_, -1, dest, work_ip_.get(), work_w_.get());
-  // Ooura returns a scaled version.
-  const float scale = 2.0f / length_;
-  std::for_each(dest, dest + length_, [scale](float& v) { v *= scale; });
-int RealFourierOoura::order() const {
-  return order_;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier_ooura.h deleted
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <complex>
-#include <memory>
-#include "common_audio/real_fourier.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-class RealFourierOoura : public RealFourier {
- public:
-  explicit RealFourierOoura(int fft_order);
-  ~RealFourierOoura() override;
-  void Forward(const float* src, std::complex<float>* dest) const override;
-  void Inverse(const std::complex<float>* src, float* dest) const override;
-  int order() const override;
- private:
-  const int order_;
-  const size_t length_;
-  const size_t complex_length_;
-  // These are work arrays for Ooura. The names are based on the comments in
-  // common_audio/third_party/ooura/fft_size_256/fft4g.cc.
-  const std::unique_ptr<size_t[]> work_ip_;
-  const std::unique_ptr<float[]> work_w_;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier_openmax.h deleted
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <complex>
-#include "webrtc/common_audio/real_fourier.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-class RealFourierOpenmax : public RealFourier {
- public:
-  explicit RealFourierOpenmax(int fft_order);
-  ~RealFourierOpenmax() override;
-  void Forward(const float* src, std::complex<float>* dest) const override;
-  void Inverse(const std::complex<float>* src, float* dest) const override;
-  int order() const override {
-    return order_;
-  }
- private:
-  // Basically a forward declare of OMXFFTSpec_R_F32. To get rid of the
-  // dependency on openmax.
-  typedef void OMXFFTSpec_R_F32_;
-  const int order_;
-  OMXFFTSpec_R_F32_* const omx_spec_;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/common_audio/window_generator.cc deleted
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "common_audio/window_generator.h"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <complex>
-#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
-using std::complex;
-namespace {
-// Modified Bessel function of order 0 for complex inputs.
-complex<float> I0(complex<float> x) {
-  complex<float> y = x / 3.75f;
-  y *= y;
-  return 1.0f + y * (3.5156229f +
-                     y * (3.0899424f +
-                          y * (1.2067492f +
-                               y * (0.2659732f +
-                                    y * (0.360768e-1f + y * 0.45813e-2f)))));
-}  // namespace
-namespace webrtc {
-void WindowGenerator::Hanning(int length, float* window) {
-  RTC_CHECK_GT(length, 1);
-  RTC_CHECK(window != nullptr);
-  for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
-    window[i] =
-        0.5f * (1 - cosf(2 * static_cast<float>(M_PI) * i / (length - 1)));
-  }
-void WindowGenerator::KaiserBesselDerived(float alpha,
-                                          size_t length,
-                                          float* window) {
-  RTC_CHECK_GT(length, 1U);
-  RTC_CHECK(window != nullptr);
-  const size_t half = (length + 1) / 2;
-  float sum = 0.0f;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i <= half; ++i) {
-    complex<float> r = (4.0f * i) / length - 1.0f;
-    sum += I0(static_cast<float>(M_PI) * alpha * sqrt(1.0f - r * r)).real();
-    window[i] = sum;
-  }
-  for (size_t i = length - 1; i >= half; --i) {
-    window[length - i - 1] = sqrtf(window[length - i - 1] / sum);
-    window[i] = window[length - i - 1];
-  }
-  if (length % 2 == 1) {
-    window[half - 1] = sqrtf(window[half - 1] / sum);
-  }
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/common_audio/window_generator.h deleted
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-namespace webrtc {
-// Helper class with generators for various signal transform windows.
-class WindowGenerator {
- public:
-  WindowGenerator() = delete;
-  WindowGenerator(const WindowGenerator&) = delete;
-  WindowGenerator& operator=(const WindowGenerator&) = delete;
-  static void Hanning(int length, float* window);
-  static void KaiserBesselDerived(float alpha, size_t length, float* window);
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/audio_decoder.h deleted
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-// This file is for backwards compatibility only! Use
-// webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder.h instead!
-// TODO(kwiberg): Remove it.
-#include "api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder.h"

webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/audio_encoder.h deleted
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-// This file is for backwards compatibility only! Use
-// webrtc/api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.h instead!
-// TODO(ossu): Remove it.
-#include "api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.h"

webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/cng/webrtc_cng.h deleted
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Define Error codes. */
-/* 6100 Encoder */
-#define CNG_ENCODER_NOT_INITIATED               6120
-#define CNG_DISALLOWED_LPC_ORDER                6130
-#define CNG_DISALLOWED_FRAME_SIZE               6140
-/* 6200 Decoder */
-#define CNG_DECODER_NOT_INITIATED               6220
-typedef struct WebRtcCngEncInst CNG_enc_inst;
-typedef struct WebRtcCngDecInst CNG_dec_inst;
- * WebRtcCng_CreateEnc/Dec(...)
- *
- * These functions create an instance to the specified structure
- *
- * Input:
- *    - XXX_inst      : Pointer to created instance that should be created
- *
- * Return value       :  0 - Ok
- *                      -1 - Error
- */
-int16_t WebRtcCng_CreateEnc(CNG_enc_inst** cng_inst);
-int16_t WebRtcCng_CreateDec(CNG_dec_inst** cng_inst);
- * WebRtcCng_InitEnc/Dec(...)
- *
- * This function initializes a instance
- *
- * Input:
- *    - cng_inst      : Instance that should be initialized
- *
- *    - fs            : 8000 for narrowband and 16000 for wideband
- *    - interval      : generate SID data every interval ms
- *    - quality       : Number of refl. coefs, maximum allowed is 12
- *
- * Output:
- *    - cng_inst      : Initialized instance
- *
- * Return value       :  0 - Ok
- *                      -1 - Error
- */
-int WebRtcCng_InitEnc(CNG_enc_inst* cng_inst, int fs, int16_t interval,
-                      int16_t quality);
-void WebRtcCng_InitDec(CNG_dec_inst* cng_inst);
- * WebRtcCng_FreeEnc/Dec(...)
- *
- * These functions frees the dynamic memory of a specified instance
- *
- * Input:
- *    - cng_inst      : Pointer to created instance that should be freed
- *
- * Return value       :  0 - Ok
- *                      -1 - Error
- */
-int16_t WebRtcCng_FreeEnc(CNG_enc_inst* cng_inst);
-int16_t WebRtcCng_FreeDec(CNG_dec_inst* cng_inst);
- * WebRtcCng_Encode(...)
- *
- * These functions analyzes background noise
- *
- * Input:
- *    - cng_inst      : Pointer to created instance
- *    - speech        : Signal to be analyzed
- *    - nrOfSamples   : Size of speech vector
- *    - forceSID      : not zero to force SID frame and reset
- *
- * Output:
- *    - bytesOut      : Nr of bytes to transmit, might be 0
- *
- * Return value       :  0 - Ok
- *                      -1 - Error
- */
-int WebRtcCng_Encode(CNG_enc_inst* cng_inst, int16_t* speech,
-                     size_t nrOfSamples, uint8_t* SIDdata,
-                     size_t* bytesOut, int16_t forceSID);
- * WebRtcCng_UpdateSid(...)
- *
- * These functions updates the CN state, when a new SID packet arrives
- *
- * Input:
- *    - cng_inst      : Pointer to created instance that should be freed
- *    - SID           : SID packet, all headers removed
- *    - length        : Length in bytes of SID packet
- *
- * Return value       :  0 - Ok
- *                      -1 - Error
- */
-int16_t WebRtcCng_UpdateSid(CNG_dec_inst* cng_inst, uint8_t* SID,
-                            size_t length);
- * WebRtcCng_Generate(...)
- *
- * These functions generates CN data when needed
- *
- * Input:
- *    - cng_inst      : Pointer to created instance that should be freed
- *    - outData       : pointer to area to write CN data
- *    - nrOfSamples   : How much data to generate
- *    - new_period    : >0 if a new period of CNG, will reset history
- *
- * Return value       :  0 - Ok
- *                      -1 - Error
- */
-int16_t WebRtcCng_Generate(CNG_dec_inst* cng_inst, int16_t* outData,
-                           size_t nrOfSamples, int16_t new_period);
- * WebRtcCng_GetErrorCodeEnc/Dec(...)
- *
- * This functions can be used to check the error code of a CNG instance. When
- * a function returns -1 a error code will be set for that instance. The 
- * function below extract the code of the last error that occurred in the
- * specified instance.
- *
- * Input:
- *    - CNG_inst    : CNG enc/dec instance
- *
- * Return value     : Error code
- */
-int16_t WebRtcCng_GetErrorCodeEnc(CNG_enc_inst* cng_inst);
-int16_t WebRtcCng_GetErrorCodeDec(CNG_dec_inst* cng_inst);
-#ifdef __cplusplus

webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/audio_decoder_isac_t.h deleted
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <vector>
-#include "absl/types/optional.h"
-#include "api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder.h"
-#include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
-#include "rtc_base/constructor_magic.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-template <typename T>
-class AudioDecoderIsacT final : public AudioDecoder {
- public:
-  struct Config {
-    bool IsOk() const;
-    int sample_rate_hz = 16000;
-  };
-  explicit AudioDecoderIsacT(const Config& config);
-  virtual ~AudioDecoderIsacT() override;
-  bool HasDecodePlc() const override;
-  size_t DecodePlc(size_t num_frames, int16_t* decoded) override;
-  void Reset() override;
-  int ErrorCode() override;
-  int SampleRateHz() const override;
-  size_t Channels() const override;
-  int DecodeInternal(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                     size_t encoded_len,
-                     int sample_rate_hz,
-                     int16_t* decoded,
-                     SpeechType* speech_type) override;
- private:
-  typename T::instance_type* isac_state_;
-  int sample_rate_hz_;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/audio_decoder_isac_t_impl.h deleted
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-template <typename T>
-bool AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::Config::IsOk() const {
-  return (sample_rate_hz == 16000 || sample_rate_hz == 32000);
-template <typename T>
-AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::AudioDecoderIsacT(const Config& config)
-    : sample_rate_hz_(config.sample_rate_hz) {
-  RTC_CHECK(config.IsOk()) << "Unsupported sample rate "
-                           << config.sample_rate_hz;
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::Create(&isac_state_));
-  T::DecoderInit(isac_state_);
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::SetDecSampRate(isac_state_, sample_rate_hz_));
-template <typename T>
-AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::~AudioDecoderIsacT() {
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::Free(isac_state_));
-template <typename T>
-int AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::DecodeInternal(const uint8_t* encoded,
-                                         size_t encoded_len,
-                                         int sample_rate_hz,
-                                         int16_t* decoded,
-                                         SpeechType* speech_type) {
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(sample_rate_hz_, sample_rate_hz);
-  int16_t temp_type = 1;  // Default is speech.
-  int ret =
-      T::DecodeInternal(isac_state_, encoded, encoded_len, decoded, &temp_type);
-  *speech_type = ConvertSpeechType(temp_type);
-  return ret;
-template <typename T>
-bool AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::HasDecodePlc() const {
-  return false;
-template <typename T>
-size_t AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::DecodePlc(size_t num_frames, int16_t* decoded) {
-  return T::DecodePlc(isac_state_, decoded, num_frames);
-template <typename T>
-void AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::Reset() {
-  T::DecoderInit(isac_state_);
-template <typename T>
-int AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::ErrorCode() {
-  return T::GetErrorCode(isac_state_);
-template <typename T>
-int AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::SampleRateHz() const {
-  return sample_rate_hz_;
-template <typename T>
-size_t AudioDecoderIsacT<T>::Channels() const {
-  return 1;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/audio_encoder_isac_t.h deleted
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "absl/types/optional.h"
-#include "api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.h"
-#include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
-#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
-#include "rtc_base/constructor_magic.h"
-#include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-template <typename T>
-class AudioEncoderIsacT final : public AudioEncoder {
- public:
-  // Allowed combinations of sample rate, frame size, and bit rate are
-  //  - 16000 Hz, 30 ms, 10000-32000 bps
-  //  - 16000 Hz, 60 ms, 10000-32000 bps
-  //  - 32000 Hz, 30 ms, 10000-56000 bps (if T has super-wideband support)
-  struct Config {
-    bool IsOk() const;
-    int payload_type = 103;
-    int sample_rate_hz = 16000;
-    int frame_size_ms = 30;
-    int bit_rate = kDefaultBitRate;  // Limit on the short-term average bit
-                                     // rate, in bits/s.
-    int max_payload_size_bytes = -1;
-    int max_bit_rate = -1;
-  };
-  explicit AudioEncoderIsacT(const Config& config);
-  ~AudioEncoderIsacT() override;
-  int SampleRateHz() const override;
-  size_t NumChannels() const override;
-  size_t Num10MsFramesInNextPacket() const override;
-  size_t Max10MsFramesInAPacket() const override;
-  int GetTargetBitrate() const override;
-  void SetTargetBitrate(int target_bps) override;
-  void OnReceivedTargetAudioBitrate(int target_bps) override;
-  void OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(
-      int target_audio_bitrate_bps,
-      absl::optional<int64_t> bwe_period_ms) override;
-  void OnReceivedUplinkAllocation(BitrateAllocationUpdate update) override;
-  void OnReceivedOverhead(size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet) override;
-  EncodedInfo EncodeImpl(uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
-                         rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
-                         rtc::Buffer* encoded) override;
-  void Reset() override;
-  absl::optional<std::pair<TimeDelta, TimeDelta>> GetFrameLengthRange()
-      const override;
- private:
-  // This value is taken from STREAM_SIZE_MAX_60 for iSAC float (60 ms) and
-  // STREAM_MAXW16_60MS for iSAC fix (60 ms).
-  static const size_t kSufficientEncodeBufferSizeBytes = 400;
-  static constexpr int kDefaultBitRate = 32000;
-  static constexpr int kMinBitrateBps = 10000;
-  static constexpr int MaxBitrateBps(int sample_rate_hz) {
-    return sample_rate_hz == 32000 ? 56000 : 32000;
-  }
-  void SetTargetBitrate(int target_bps, bool subtract_per_packet_overhead);
-  // Recreate the iSAC encoder instance with the given settings, and save them.
-  void RecreateEncoderInstance(const Config& config);
-  Config config_;
-  typename T::instance_type* isac_state_ = nullptr;
-  // Have we accepted input but not yet emitted it in a packet?
-  bool packet_in_progress_ = false;
-  // Timestamp of the first input of the currently in-progress packet.
-  uint32_t packet_timestamp_;
-  // Timestamp of the previously encoded packet.
-  uint32_t last_encoded_timestamp_;
-  // Cache the value of the "WebRTC-SendSideBwe-WithOverhead" field trial.
-  const bool send_side_bwe_with_overhead_ =
-      field_trial::IsEnabled("WebRTC-SendSideBwe-WithOverhead");
-  // When we send a packet, expect this many bytes of headers to be added to it.
-  // Start out with a reasonable default that we can use until we receive a real
-  // value.
-  DataSize overhead_per_packet_ = DataSize::Bytes(28);
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/audio_encoder_isac_t_impl.h deleted
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
-#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_minmax.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-template <typename T>
-bool AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::Config::IsOk() const {
-  if (max_bit_rate < 32000 && max_bit_rate != -1)
-    return false;
-  if (max_payload_size_bytes < 120 && max_payload_size_bytes != -1)
-    return false;
-  switch (sample_rate_hz) {
-    case 16000:
-      if (max_bit_rate > 53400)
-        return false;
-      if (max_payload_size_bytes > 400)
-        return false;
-      return (frame_size_ms == 30 || frame_size_ms == 60) &&
-             (bit_rate == 0 || (bit_rate >= 10000 && bit_rate <= 32000));
-    case 32000:
-      if (max_bit_rate > 160000)
-        return false;
-      if (max_payload_size_bytes > 600)
-        return false;
-      return T::has_swb &&
-             (frame_size_ms == 30 &&
-              (bit_rate == 0 || (bit_rate >= 10000 && bit_rate <= 56000)));
-    default:
-      return false;
-  }
-template <typename T>
-AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::AudioEncoderIsacT(const Config& config) {
-  RecreateEncoderInstance(config);
-template <typename T>
-AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::~AudioEncoderIsacT() {
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::Free(isac_state_));
-template <typename T>
-int AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::SampleRateHz() const {
-  return T::EncSampRate(isac_state_);
-template <typename T>
-size_t AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::NumChannels() const {
-  return 1;
-template <typename T>
-size_t AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::Num10MsFramesInNextPacket() const {
-  const int samples_in_next_packet = T::GetNewFrameLen(isac_state_);
-  return static_cast<size_t>(rtc::CheckedDivExact(
-      samples_in_next_packet, rtc::CheckedDivExact(SampleRateHz(), 100)));
-template <typename T>
-size_t AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::Max10MsFramesInAPacket() const {
-  return 6;  // iSAC puts at most 60 ms in a packet.
-template <typename T>
-int AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::GetTargetBitrate() const {
-  return config_.bit_rate == 0 ? kDefaultBitRate : config_.bit_rate;
-template <typename T>
-void AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::SetTargetBitrate(int target_bps) {
-  // Set target bitrate directly without subtracting per-packet overhead,
-  // because that's what AudioEncoderOpus does.
-  SetTargetBitrate(target_bps,
-                   /*subtract_per_packet_overhead=*/false);
-template <typename T>
-void AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::OnReceivedTargetAudioBitrate(int target_bps) {
-  // Set target bitrate directly without subtracting per-packet overhead,
-  // because that's what AudioEncoderOpus does.
-  SetTargetBitrate(target_bps,
-                   /*subtract_per_packet_overhead=*/false);
-template <typename T>
-void AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::OnReceivedUplinkBandwidth(
-    int target_audio_bitrate_bps,
-    absl::optional<int64_t> /*bwe_period_ms*/) {
-  // Set target bitrate, subtracting the per-packet overhead if
-  // WebRTC-SendSideBwe-WithOverhead is enabled, because that's what
-  // AudioEncoderOpus does.
-  SetTargetBitrate(
-      target_audio_bitrate_bps,
-      /*subtract_per_packet_overhead=*/send_side_bwe_with_overhead_);
-template <typename T>
-void AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::OnReceivedUplinkAllocation(
-    BitrateAllocationUpdate update) {
-  // Set target bitrate, subtracting the per-packet overhead if
-  // WebRTC-SendSideBwe-WithOverhead is enabled, because that's what
-  // AudioEncoderOpus does.
-  SetTargetBitrate(
-      update.target_bitrate.bps<int>(),
-      /*subtract_per_packet_overhead=*/send_side_bwe_with_overhead_);
-template <typename T>
-void AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::OnReceivedOverhead(
-    size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet) {
-  overhead_per_packet_ = DataSize::Bytes(overhead_bytes_per_packet);
-template <typename T>
-AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::EncodeImpl(
-    uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
-    rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
-    rtc::Buffer* encoded) {
-  if (!packet_in_progress_) {
-    // Starting a new packet; remember the timestamp for later.
-    packet_in_progress_ = true;
-    packet_timestamp_ = rtp_timestamp;
-  }
-  size_t encoded_bytes = encoded->AppendData(
-      kSufficientEncodeBufferSizeBytes, [&](rtc::ArrayView<uint8_t> encoded) {
-        int r = T::Encode(isac_state_, audio.data(), encoded.data());
-        RTC_CHECK_GE(r, 0) << "Encode failed (error code "
-                           << T::GetErrorCode(isac_state_) << ")";
-        return static_cast<size_t>(r);
-      });
-  if (encoded_bytes == 0)
-    return EncodedInfo();
-  // Got enough input to produce a packet. Return the saved timestamp from
-  // the first chunk of input that went into the packet.
-  packet_in_progress_ = false;
-  EncodedInfo info;
-  info.encoded_bytes = encoded_bytes;
-  info.encoded_timestamp = packet_timestamp_;
-  info.payload_type = config_.payload_type;
-  info.encoder_type = CodecType::kIsac;
-  return info;
-template <typename T>
-void AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::Reset() {
-  RecreateEncoderInstance(config_);
-template <typename T>
-absl::optional<std::pair<TimeDelta, TimeDelta>>
-AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::GetFrameLengthRange() const {
-  return {{TimeDelta::Millis(config_.frame_size_ms),
-           TimeDelta::Millis(config_.frame_size_ms)}};
-template <typename T>
-void AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::SetTargetBitrate(int target_bps,
-                                            bool subtract_per_packet_overhead) {
-  if (subtract_per_packet_overhead) {
-    const DataRate overhead_rate =
-        overhead_per_packet_ / TimeDelta::Millis(config_.frame_size_ms);
-    target_bps -= overhead_rate.bps();
-  }
-  target_bps = rtc::SafeClamp(target_bps, kMinBitrateBps,
-                              MaxBitrateBps(config_.sample_rate_hz));
-  int result = T::Control(isac_state_, target_bps, config_.frame_size_ms);
-  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(result, 0);
-  config_.bit_rate = target_bps;
-template <typename T>
-void AudioEncoderIsacT<T>::RecreateEncoderInstance(const Config& config) {
-  RTC_CHECK(config.IsOk());
-  packet_in_progress_ = false;
-  if (isac_state_)
-    RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::Free(isac_state_));
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::Create(&isac_state_));
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::EncoderInit(isac_state_, /*coding_mode=*/1));
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::SetEncSampRate(isac_state_, config.sample_rate_hz));
-  const int bit_rate = config.bit_rate == 0 ? kDefaultBitRate : config.bit_rate;
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::Control(isac_state_, bit_rate, config.frame_size_ms));
-  if (config.max_payload_size_bytes != -1)
-        0, T::SetMaxPayloadSize(isac_state_, config.max_payload_size_bytes));
-  if (config.max_bit_rate != -1)
-    RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::SetMaxRate(isac_state_, config.max_bit_rate));
-  // Set the decoder sample rate even though we just use the encoder. This
-  // doesn't appear to be necessary to produce a valid encoding, but without it
-  // we get an encoding that isn't bit-for-bit identical with what a combined
-  // encoder+decoder object produces.
-  RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, T::SetDecSampRate(isac_state_, config.sample_rate_hz));
-  config_ = config;
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/rtc_base/ignore_wundef.h deleted
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-// If a header file uses #if on possibly undefined macros (and it's for some
-// reason not possible to just fix the header file), include it like this:
-//   #include "misbehaving_header.h"
-// This will cause the compiler to not emit -Wundef warnings for that file.
-#ifdef __clang__
-  _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
-      _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wundef\"")
-#define RTC_POP_IGNORING_WUNDEF() _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
-#endif  // __clang__

@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ base_sources = [
-  'synchronization/yield.cc',

webrtc/rtc_base/synchronization/yield.cc deleted
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright 2020 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include "rtc_base/synchronization/yield.h"
-#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <time.h>
-namespace webrtc {
-void YieldCurrentThread() {
-  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11634): use dedicated OS functionality instead of
-  // sleep for yielding.
-#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
-  ::Sleep(0);
-#elif defined(WEBRTC_MAC) && defined(RTC_USE_NATIVE_MUTEX_ON_MAC) && \
-  sched_yield();
-  static const struct timespec ts_null = {0};
-  nanosleep(&ts_null, nullptr);
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/rtc_base/synchronization/yield.h deleted
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-namespace webrtc {
-// Request rescheduling of threads.
-void YieldCurrentThread();
-}  // namespace webrtc

webrtc/rtc_base/system/unused.h deleted
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-// Prevent the compiler from warning about an unused variable. For example:
-//   int result = DoSomething();
-//   RTC_DCHECK(result == 17);
-//   RTC_UNUSED(result);
-// Note: In most cases it is better to remove the unused variable rather than
-// suppressing the compiler warning.
-#ifndef RTC_UNUSED
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define RTC_UNUSED(x) static_cast<void>(x)
-#define RTC_UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
-#endif  // RTC_UNUSED

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