[pulseaudio-discuss] can't get pulseaudio-esound-compat to work

Jim Ramsay i.am at jimramsay.com
Wed Apr 18 11:57:37 PDT 2007

I just found a solution to a very similar problem in my Gentoo install -
this may work for you too.

In short, pulseaudio was creating /tmp/.esd/socket but for some reason
all the esd apps were looking for /tmp/.esdplug:sdmix/socket instead.
Adding the option 'socket=/tmp/.esdplug:sdmix/socket' to the
pulseaudio esound module line in my defaults.pa fixed everything!

To see if this affects you, or if your problem is the very similar, do
the following at a commandline:

  strace -o "|grep 'access.*socket'" esdplay somefile.wav

Mine spit out this line:

  access("/tmp/.esdplug:sdmix/socket", R_OK|W_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such
  file or directory)

That's how I knew what the esd socket filename should be instead
of /tmp/.esd/socket (the pulseaudio default)

If this doesn't work for you, pasting the entire output of 'strace
esdplay somefile.wav' may shed some more light on the issue.

Jim Ramsay
"Me fail English?  That's unpossible!"
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