[pulseaudio-discuss] Pulse and shm?

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Tue Dec 23 02:45:50 PST 2008

'Twas brillig, and Lennart Poettering at 22/12/08 14:35 did gyre and gimble:
> On Mon, 22.12.08 15:05, Hynek Hanke (hanke at brailcom.org) wrote:
> Heya!
>> E: shm: Invalid shared memory segment size
>> and I believe the communication then falls back to
>> other means of communication (TCP). Why is this?
>> How can we avoid this? Do we need to make some
>> special configuration settings?
> You are using a new PA daemon with old client libraries. Unfortunately
> that causes this assert to be hit. You should upgrade both the client
> libraries and the daemon at the same time.

And IIRC there was also a bug using 32-bit client libraries and a 64-bit 
server but this has now been fixed (can't recall off hand if it was 
exactly this error message - it was certainly related to SHM).



Colin Guthrie

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