[pulseaudio-discuss] selective sound amplification by frequency @ PulseAudio.

Adam Sulmicki sulmicki at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 05:22:16 PST 2008

In response to second email by Tanu Kaskinen.

I have decided to simply apply the
1952<http://www.pulseaudio.org/changeset/1952>diff suggested by Tanu
to my SRPM and in this way avoid all the redhatism
I hope I did not miss anything else important from PA past 0.9.7. I tried to
use the svn version of PA but I could not successfully generate the
'configure' script for some reason.

Of all three modules the mbeq seems to give me best results,. However I did
not try the other modules too hard so maybe I just used them wrongly (for
example wrong order of parameters). Also, I had to edit the mbeq source to
remove the +30 UpperBound limit.

Now, I wonder is there some way to visually verify that it works ( sort of
like the audacity visual), besides having the subjective impression that it

Adam Sulmicki
http://www.eax.com      The Supreme Headquarters of the 32 bit registers
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