[pulseaudio-discuss] installing header files

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Mon Aug 10 00:42:19 PDT 2009

'Twas brillig, and Patrick Shirkey at 09/08/09 19:08 did gyre and gimble:
>> I suspect that the 32 bit libjack just happens to be installed. This 
>> is exactly the same with pulse.
> Seems I misunderstood the original notice on the jack list.
> Here's what Paul Davis said about the way jack is working in this 
> regard. Can you confirm for me that this is the same approach that 
> pulseaudio is already taking? IIUC they are the using the same approach.

Yup, that's the same approach used by pulse. Basically you still need a 
32-bit library (libpulse or libjack) to communicate with the server but 
it doesn't matter if the server is 32 or 64 bit, the client library will 
still talk to it.




Colin Guthrie

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   Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
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