[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH 2/4] Solaris: build fixes

Finn Thain fthain at telegraphics.com.au
Thu Aug 20 20:13:56 PDT 2009

On Fri, 21 Aug 2009, Lennart Poettering wrote:

> On Fri, 21.08.09 03:49, Finn Thain (fthain at telegraphics.com.au) wrote:
> > Fix bit rot due to recent flat volume changes.
> Hmm, this patch got corrupted some way 

Sorry about that. For some reason "Do Not Send Flowed Text" was disabled 
in my mailer (alpine). I'll resend.


> (probably due to pasting it 
> inline in your mailer?) and doesn't apply to my tree. Tried a lot of
> tricks but was unsucessful in the end. Could you resend 
> this one (and the others too) and include it as an uncorrupted 
> attachment or -- preferably -- as proper git formatted patch?
> Otherwise I'd be happy to merge your patches 2-3 without changes!
> Thanks,
> Lennart

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