[pulseaudio-discuss] not allowed to configure local sound server

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Jun 3 06:02:00 PDT 2009

'Twas brillig, and H.S. at 02/06/09 20:35 did gyre and gimble:
> I have paprefs 0.9.6-2 installed on the Debian machine. Running it gives
> a similar window as the device chooser 's "configure local sound server
> .." and the options are still grayed out. The window title is
> "PulseAudio Preferences".

Oh, sorry, I thought you meant the "Configure Local Sound Server..." 
option was greyed out, not the options in the window that pops up!!

All padevchooser does is run paprefs, so it's not just similar, it's 
exactly the same.

The reason this happens is that your pulseaudio is newer than your 
paprefs. You need to recompile paprefs so that it can find the modules 
it tries to enable in order to ensure the greyed out boxes are enabled.

This only works on newer paprefs (0.9.8), so if you cannot upgrade, 
you'll need to backport the commit that fixed this.



Colin Guthrie

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   Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
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   PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
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