[pulseaudio-discuss] Rythmbox crashed my pulse audio server

Markus Feldmann feldmann_markus at gmx.de
Wed May 6 09:42:54 PDT 2009

Lennart Poettering schrieb:

> Hmm, seems to be a bug in the ladspa module, then.
> Please get me the backtrace, then we now for sure.

Steps to reproduce:
1.) start pulse audio server(9.10)
pulsaudio -D

2.)start gdb and attach the audio server
pidof pulseaduio

gdb 2>&1 | tee gdb-pulsaudio.txt
(gdb) handle SIG33 pass nostop noprint
(gdb) set pagination 0
(gdb) attach 6610

(gdb) continue

(gdb) backtrace full
(gdb) info registers
(gdb) thread apply all backtrace
(gdb) quit

3.)execute rhythmbox music player. I changed over the volume manager
the equalizer settings, but this doesnt affect the server. Then i
stressed the music player by changing the song and both(music player and
pulseausio server) crashed. I was a little bit confused that the server
doesnt crashed by changing the equalizer setting like before(without

Here is the Backtrace,

regards markus

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